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"Shh! Don't wake them up!"

"Who knew it'd be this late at Earth?"

"Watch it!"

"Sorry, jeez!"

The five heroes silently entered the dormitory block through an open window, beaten up and tired from their previous mission. Boboiboy had a black eye and his body was covered in bruises and scratches. Ying was thrown at a boulder and earned a large gash. Fang almost lost his head(almost!) and Yaya had twisted her wrist. Gopal, however, got away without a scratch.

Without warning, the lights were switched on. The brightness hurt their eyes as the teenagers hissed in pain.

Aizawa was standing there, wearing a grey onesie, with pictures of cats all over it.

"And where exactly have you been?"


Silence engulfed them.

Fang whispered to Boboiboy, "He wasn't informed?"

"Apparently not." The other muttered grumpily.

He shot an annoyed and tired look towards Aizawa. "Look, man, all I want is an ice pack and some sleep so if you'd just let me rest after my mission-" he emphasized the word mission. "-I would gladly let you interrogate me all day long. Tomorrow."

And with that, the orange capped boy trudged upstairs to his new dorm room.

Yaya sighed. "Don't mind him, he's always grumpy after missions."

The other four slowly followed in pursuit of their leader, Ying and Yaya apologizing for his behaviour, making a mental note to teach him a lesson tomorrow.

RIP Boboiboy. You were a great person.

Aizawa listened as each of them shuffled into their assigned rooms, the doors clicking back in place as the locks slid in place.

He turned to Toshinori who was sitting at the couch silently. Due to their weariness, the 5 kids had failed to realise he was sitting there, listening to their conversations.

"Are you sure Nezu is thinking straight?" Aizawa grumbled. "They seem like a bunch of immature kids to me."

Toshinori shifted awkwardly and shrugged. 

Aizawa tutted.

"But what we do know is, young Boboiboy? He's strong. At least that's what I've heard from Endeavor." Toshinori's tone had dropped to a whisper now, making Aizawa inch closer. 

"Almost everything around a few million kilometre radius was completely obliterated. Plus," Toshinori halted for dramatic effect. "That one dam? It was broken apart but according to the heroes investigating the area, it was fixed by a huge wall of ice. And he's the only ice manipulator in his whole team."


"... he's as strong as Todoroki, considering his age and the amount of elements he manipulates, that's a pretty big strain." Aizawa said. Toshinori nodded.

Far,  far, far away, a crazy author was cackling madly, typing out the outcomes of this story.

"Oh, if only they knew~"






ok gtg byebye muah muah ly guys <3



ok now that i have time-

im gonna properly thank u guys for supporting and loving this book <3 literally no words can express how f ing grateful i am for u guys' support :D thank you!

also, im sorry for a really short chapter. I am already working on a new one PLUS i have an idea for a new book which may be out on December, and with my current time schedule its pretty hard to write so i hope you guys'll be patient with me :3

so yeah basically thats it! again, thank you so much and im so sorry for the short chapter! stay tuned for more <3!

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