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"This is all your fault!"

"Oh shut up, you baby!"

1-A plus the new students sweatdropped at the bickering duo. Tanah sighed and went up to the both of them, an annoyed smile on his face. 

Petir and Cahaya were too busy arguing to notice Tanah raising his hands above their heads, Earth Gloves at the ready.


"Next time, try not to destroy the whole field just because you two can't control your egos." He gave the two boys a sweet smile(clearly sarcastic), a tic mark on his forehead.

They just groaned in response, rubbing their sore heads. The class shivered.


"Haish, because of you two, I had to stay behind and reverse what you've done!" Ying whined, clearly battered from the battle she and Yaya had a few moments ago. "I missed class! Maths class, of all!"

"She's angry because she got to skip class?" Kaminari whispered to Sero who shrugged in response.

"He acts like he's still 5." Fang grumbled, folding his hands above his chest, clearly annoyed.

"You mean Cahaya and Petir act like they're 5." Yaya corrected him as they made their way to the cafeteria for lunch. "Boboiboy's a bit more... mature."

"Because of you, we have to stay behind for detention." Cahaya grumbled, trudging behind Tanah who was leading the elements, following the gang's trail.

"Hey, its not my fault you were too weak to handle my attack." Petir put his hands up in mock surrender, a smirk on his face.

"Who said-!?" Cahaya was about to argue back when a dark aura suddenly enveloped the whole hallway, making some students walk away hurriedly or stare at them in fear.

Cahaya and Petir fearfully looked up to meet the flaming eyes of Mama Tanah.

"Thin ice, you two..."

Angin sighed. "...someone go restrain Tanah-"


After filling their stomachs with food(Lunch Rush was a really good cook), they continued classes. Funnily, their last class was History with an exchange teacher from the USA.

Taking their seats, the class excitedly chattered with another about the history class they were about to take. The elements however, had yet to join together.

Iida, being the responsible man he is, decided to ask Tanah.

"Tanah! Are you not going to join back with your fellow elements?" He asked, doing his robotic movements, motioning to the other splits who were doing their own things.

"Since Pikachu and Smarty Pants got detention, we decided to just stay in split. Besides, it'll be easier to practice for the carnival." Api replied cheekily, slightly shocking Iida who didn't even realize the said boy was there.

"Yeah!" His partner-in-crime, Angin, decided to pop up from behind, almost making Iida fall. "We're gonna perform the songs Fang and Petir wrote for us!"

"Hey! I-I don't write s-songs!"

"Oh yes you do!"

"Angin, Api, stop messing with Iida-kun. Petir, there's no problem in writing songs." Tanah reprimanded the duo whilst comforting our poor insecure pikachu whose cheeks were redder than the strawberries I ate yesterday.

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