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this chapter will be shit without the song (warriors by league of legends, the video above) so i recommend you guys listen to it while reading lol enjoy!


The lights dimmed as the noise in the hall died down, the pure adrenaline from all the anticipation making everyone's hearts beat in excitement.

They couldn't see a thing, thanks to Solar manipulating the lights to make it dimmer(can he even do that tho-) as to create suspense in the audience.

"As a child,"

Yaya looked at the crowd as the spotlight fell on her figure.

"You would wait,"

She turned her head to the side, stepping forward.

"And watch from far away;"

Her head turned back to the front, her gaze boring into the audience's souls as they shivered under her dark gaze.

"But you always knew that you'd be the one,"

Her eyes glowed a dangerous glint of pink.

"That worked while they all play..."

Suddenly, the spotlight fell on Ying who sat on a prop, staring into the dark of the hall.

"In youth,"

Her head fell to her chest.

"You'd lay,"

She looked upwards, craning her neck to look at the light shining into her eyes as she forced herself not to squint.

'Fuck why is that so bright-' She cursed in her thoughts.

"Awake at night and scheme,"

Her head tilted sideways as she shut her eyes and stood up.

"Of all the things that you would change,"

She opened her eyes, revealing glowing blue orbs.

"But it was just a dream;"

The whole hall started shaking, students falling and yelping in fear as they tried to find the source of this quake.

"What the hell-!?" Even the pros were frantically looking around.

"Did a villain sneak in-!?" Someone frantically cried.

The music's tempo picked up, the loud drumming coming from the song's instrumental scaring everyone when out of the blue, the four heroes' singing voices rang out, loud and clear, striking their hearts.

"Here we are, don't turn away, now,"

Yaya flew upwards as she brought up props with her as Ying jumped on the floating objects.

"We, are the warriors,"

Fang threw his hand upwards as they sang, sending multiple shadow dragons flying as they roared, students screaming in awe of the raw power that these mere kids had.

"That built,"



The drumming got louder as Gopal flew into the air and landed onto Ying who boosted him and pushed him up as he soared through the sky, all of them enchantingly singing together.

"Here we are,"

Their voices grew louder.

"Don't turn away, now..!"

Ying followed Gopal as blue light surrounded her feet. Kicking the object she was standing on, she flew upwards and was caught by Fang's dragon as she grabbed Gopal's hand.

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