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The past few days have been the usual. School, practice, a few seminars from Boboiboy and his gang, the normal stuff. However, practice for the festival has also started, and soon, it was already around the corner.

Even Petir could laugh at how nervous the students were, scurrying here and there, perfecting this and that, but the TAPOPS agents were amazed at how much effort and the teamwork the class had.

Angin was slurping from his smoothie as Cahaya and Yaya explained what they would be doing at the festival.

"Since we would be 'spreading word about our organization to the citizens of Japan'," Solar said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Commander asked us to do two performances, each already perfectly planned by yours truly."

Fang coughed. Petir snorted. Yaya smiled, her eyes glaring darkly into Cahaya's soul.

"I mean, with the help of Fang, Yaya and Petir." Cahaya corrected himself. Lord save him from Yaya's wrath.

"So what are we gonna do?" Ying enquired, leaning back in her beanbag.

Cahaya pulled out a blackboard. "So, Fang and Thunder had prepared two songs for us. One is for Yaya, you, Fang and Gopal, and one is for-" he winced. "-us elements."


Api stood up. "I'm gonna sING!?"

Air blinked his eyes owlishly.

Angin and Daun were screaming, holding onto each other for dear life.

"I cAn'T sInG!"

"yOu tHiNk i cAn!?"

Tanah sighed. Petir was dumbstruck, mouth agape. Sure, he agreed to write a song, but sing? No friggin way in Hades' hell is he gonna even do such sheets of paper.

Cahaya rolled his eyes. "You guys are so dramatic."

Api snorted. "We're you, idiot."

Cahaya ignored him. "SoOoO for the first performance, our dear friends-" he motioned to Yaya, Ying, Gopal and Fang. "-are gonna sing our theme song written by dearest Petir while we will do the special effects!"

Tanah raised an eyebrow. "Like..?"

Cahaya waved his hand dismissingly. "Oh, you know, the usual. Ice can make like, tiny crystals, Cyclone can do winds, swish swish, bla bla."

"But we're not gonna use our second tiers." Tanah said in a clarifying tone.

"...it's not like we're gonna be showing ourselves to anyone out there." Cahaya shrugged.

Tanah facepalmed.

"Come on Tanahhh!" Angin whined, hugging the said clone. "Let me be Cyclone pleeeaaaaseeeee?"

"Yeah!" Daun nodded, pouting cutely, widening his doe eyes. "Please, Tanah?"

Tanah pinched his nose and sighed. Sometimes he felt like an old man.

"...we'll see." He mumbled. Yeah, let's see if I don't die from stress yet, he thought.

"YAY!" The two cheered. Cahaya smirked. He knew he could count on Daun.

"..so what are we gonna do?" Petir asked.

"...isn't it obvious? The roles are vice versa!" Cahaya said it as if it was as plain as day.

"Actually, it's not that obvious." Air deadpanned. Api nodded.

Cahaya reddened in embarassment. "W-whatever."

Everyone deadpanned. Yaya clapped her hands together.

"So, time for choreography!" She excitedly said.

"Yaya, please don't go crazy-"


Meanwhile, 1-A was listening to their conversation, stacked on top of each other like a Jenga game. Except for our infamous duo, Bakugou and Todoroki, of course.

"So my speculations were correct," Midoriya mumbled. "Boboiboy's quirk has different levels of powers called tiers. So that's why..."

The rest were just mumbles and mutterings of different theories that no one could comprehend, so they just left him like that.

Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida had been meeting up with each other after school to do research on elementals and TAPOPS. Midoriya made a few theories, and the most likely ones were these:

a)Boboiboy and his friends'  quirks have levels

b)TAPOPS can travel through galaxies(light years away)

c)A Power Sphere is hiding somewhere with them

"So, Mido," Mina chirped. "How far does his levels go, actually, Mido dear?"

"It could reach to five." He replied.

Everyone went quiet.

"...damn." Denki whistled slowly.

Yaoyorozu shook her head. "They're so... powerful. And they're younger than us!"

"Imagine all the villains they've defeated..." Tooru added in an awed tone.

"This is not a very good example of a U.A student!" Iida suddenly stood upright, making his robotic hand motions. "Eavesdropping is a crime-!"

"Yeah okay, good for you Iida-kun." Uraraka cut him off. Iida had a shooketh face expression as he stared at her, a hand on his chest.

"Guys, if they're busy planning, then we should be, too!" Kirishima said. "Let's show them just how manly UA can be!"

"Yes, let's do this!" Yaoyorozu joined in. "Time to continue training everyone!"

And so with groans and heavy hearts, the rest of the class shuffled behind the two enthusiastic students, still wanting to eavesdrop.


"Have they left?" Yaya popped her head out of the door.

"Seems like it." Ying added, on top of Yaya.

Fang snorted. "Do they really think we're that stupid?"

The others looked at him and shrugged. Yes, all this time, they knew someone was spying on them, and they didn't mind, really- (unless it was about some top secret mission from TAPOPS, then expect Supra to go full psycho on them) but it gets annoying after a while.

Yaya shrugged. "As long as they don't try and steal some of my dance moves, then I'm cool with it."

"What if they do-?"


"Angin I swear--"


well hello there c:

sorry for the short and late update, online classes have been bothering me for a while :v

n e ways just clarifying some things: I have not watched the festival episode and i am not following the plotline of the anime :>

yeah thats it

thanks and bubyee ^^


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