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It was a sorta pleasant day for 1-A.

Aizawa explained that since most of the kids were too young, they would continue going to school while working as a hero.

So now, they had 5 new additions to their chaotic class.

"Use this period to get to know them," Aizawa slipped into his yellow sleeping bag. "I need sleep."

The five new students sweatdropped at his actions.

"Reminds me of Ice." Boboiboy chirped out, confusing the class and receiving nods and 'yup's from his friends.

The five went to the back, 5 empty seats already waiting for pthem, sat down, and chattered with each other loudly while the class observed, flabbergasted.

Why were small kids heroes? How did they become heroes? How come these kids could protect them from whatever danger or villains that would chase after their class?

"Y'know it's rude to stare. You guys can just ask anything, we won't judge." Boboiboy awkwardly chuckled, breaking the class' trance.

Midoriya, being the cute nerd he is, took out his notebook and pen, and began to ask the team questions about their quirks.

"What's your quirk? How did it release such a large flash? Do you manipulate light or something? Why was it red? Are you an element manipulator? If so, which elements?" Midoriya shot out questions faster than breaking his bones when he uses One For All.

Boboiboy sweatdropped at his actions, backing away slowly as he laughed awkwardly, sending a 'help me' glance to his friends who just stared, slightly amused.

"So uh... to answer your questions, yeah, I do control the elements. But that, you guys have to discover yourself. It's not fun if I spoil all the secrets a little too early, right?" Boboiboy winked, getting a hit on the head by Fang who scoffed.

Midoriya was a little brought down by the fact he wasn't able to take notes on Boboiboy's quirk(nah he was like, hella depressed)but it's fine! There were still others to question!

"I figured you would ask about our quirks next, and because I ain't a douchébag like Boboiboy," Ying nudged the said boy who protested. "I'll explain to you about my quirk. I have time manipulation, it's pretty basic really, I can slow down time, stop time, make time go faster. I can also speed myself up, which is pretty cool."

Ying explained her quirk as Midoriya took notes on her abilities, plans already forming in his head just in case they were going to train against each other in hero training today.

When she had finished, Yaya chimed in. "My quirk's gravity manipulation. It's also really simple."

Midoriya was basically having the time of his life, listening to her explain with stars in his eyes. It almost made 1-A jealous, how the newbies(cough) easily impressed their class cinnamon roll.

Meanwhile, most of the class were questioning Boboiboy about how they got their license early without going to hero school, or about their agency and if they could be recruited.

"Well, we just did." The younger boy shrugged. "Commander saw our potential, and he pulled some strings and got us in the agency. We've been in the dark until Voldemort 2.0 showed up." He rolled his eyes in annoyance, sighing.

"Wasn't it scary? Y'know, seeing as you're all..." Kaminari pressed his hand down slightly to the ground, indicating to Boboiboy's smolness.

The latter glared at him as Fang and Gopal burst out in laughter.

"Please, don't judge a book by it's cover." Ying said, turning her chair to the crowd forming around their team leader as Midoriya interrogated Gopal and Fang. "He might seem tiny, but Boboiboy packs a punch."

The said boy turned to his friend and sighed dramatically, a huge grin on his face. "Finally, thank you, Ying!"

The girl smirked. "I didn't deny the fact that you're short though."

Boboiboy visibly deflated and he pouted, crouching in the corner as a dark aura surrounded him, mushrooms growing on his head. The people listening to their conversation roared with laughter.

"You guys aren't what I expected like, at all." Hagakure Tooru(?), their invisible classmate piped up, tone filled with disbelief. "I thought you guys would be more, y'know, tough looking, scary, buff!"

"Oi! I'm buff!" Fang shouted, earning an 'in your dreams!' from Gopal, starting yet another banter.

'This is definitely not what I expected at all...' The class thought in unison, yet again, God it's starting to creep me out.

They heard someone clear their throat, and all noises ceased as they turned to see a very sleepy looking Aizawa-sensei holding up an alarm clock.

"Go put on your PE uniforms. It's time for training."

This got the class pumped up, but most importantly, they couldn't wait to see the young heroes in action. I mean, how overpowered can they be, right?


this chapter sucked :p

I might update every week on Saturdays if I'm free, so stay tuned for that :>


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