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Izuku Midoriya sighed, taking his seat. He propped his elbow on his table, resting his head on his hand. These few weeks had been really hard for him, it was as if he was a natural magnet for villains.

Not just him, his classmates as well, and with the upcoming festival, he was feeling kind of paranoid that they might get attacked once more.

(okeoke I haven't watched this ep yet so I'll just wing it lol)

"Deku-kun!" The bubbly voice of his best friend, Uraraka Ochako, brought him back to reality.

She gave him a wide grin, skipping over to his table. "Are you excited for the festival? I know I am!"

Midoriya gave her a small smile in return. "Yeah, I am..." He trailed off, before staring out the window.

Uraraka noticed his lack of enthusiasm, and her excited expression turned into one of worry. She placed a hand on Midoriya's shoulder. He turned his head to her in surprise.

She gave him a soft smile. "Don't worry, Deku-kun. I heard that Principal Nezu hired some pros to make sure the festival goes according to plan."

Midoriya was a bit shocked at the info. Which pros? Don't they already have like, most of the best patrolling near U.A almost everyday?

"Who?" He decided to ask his best friend, seeing as she was the one who told him about the hired pros.

She shrugged. "Dunno. Heard they just graduated, and that they're debuting at the festival."

Midoriya's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. Amateur pro heroes? Why? If even the best of the best can't beat Overhaul(except for him of course), how can a bunch of new heroes actually protect them from danger?

"Are you guys talking about the pros that the principal hired?" A bubbly voice piped in. The two students turned to the source to meet Denki Kaminari's smiling face.

He stood next to Uraraka. "I heard that they've actually been pros for a long time now, but they usually just stay in the shadows." He said in a hushed voice, as if worried others might hear.

Eijirou Kirishima seemed to have heard him, and joined their conversation. "I have a feeling that it might be that boy and his gang!"

The three of them looked at the red haired boy in confusion.

"What boy and gang?" They chorused.

Kirishima tilted his head in confusion. "Haven't you guys watched the news? It's all over the world! This weird alien villain crashed onto earth and destroyed almost half of Borneo's jungles! Then, that weird boy suddenly showed up, along with his friends, and they kicked ass! That was what that weird flash a few days ago was all about!"

Midoriya processed this information. He started to run his brain, also starting to mumble without realising it.

"...come to think of it, I did see a really weird red and yellow flash in the sky, but I thought that it must've been lightning... I wonder what the boy's quirk was? And where did that alien villain come from-?"

"Midoriya, you're mumbling again." Kaminari nudged the green haired boy, who yelped in surprise.


Kirishima was just about to say something when the door opened, revealing Aizawa Shota, their homeroom teacher, also known as the Pro Hero: Eraserhead.

"Good grief.... sit in your seats...." He mumbled quietly. The students shuffled to their seats.

Aizawa stood in front, clearing his throat. "Before homeroom begins today, I'd like to tell you all something."

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