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as per usual with the last chapter, this chappie will be quite,, meh without the bg music so yea <3

the song is only until 1:16 btw :p 


Cyclone groaned as he tried to swat away Ying's hands that was currently holding a makeup brush to his face. "Ying, get that abomination away from me!"

Ying grunted in annoyance before smacking Cyclone's head with the brush. "Let me do the finishing touches you wind wielding twat-"

Meanwhile, Quake was helping Solar and Thorn with their suits, making sure they looked neat enough to go on stage.

"This 'prepping' is useless anyway," Ice yawned, looking away making Yaya yelp since she hadn't finished with his makeup yet. "We're gonna run around and sweat, so the powder will melt off. Complete and utter bullsh-"

"Ice, there's a reason why waterproof makeup was created." Thunder deadpanned.

"I don't mind, I think I look pretty manly!" Blaze grinned, fixing his tie as he looked in the mirror, enjoying the fit.

"Yea, yea, hurry up, you guys go on in 10 minutes." Fang drawled, tapping his foot.

"How is this gonna go again? We use our powers while they perform?" Gopal swallowed the snack he was eating, blinking at his friends.

"Yeah, same things we did while you guys performed." Quake stepped away from Thorn, ruffling his hair affectionately as Thorn giggled and hugged Solar who was busy rambling.

"Is nobody else curious on how this hall hasn't fallen yet? I, for one, is quite interested in seeing the blueprints for the architecture of the building-"


Everyone was piling back in the hall, chattering loudly, excited for the performance to come. After the last one, the audience was left at the edge of their seat, awaiting the next surprises these heroes had for them.

There were all kinds of medias from all around the world, news broadcasting worldwide. People watching from their home or on their phone everywhere. Rumors have spread, their fame has went even beyond Japan's borders.

Exactly the kind of impact T.A.P.O.P.S was looking for.

Nervously, people sat down and the whole hall became silent, seeing as the commentator was about to announce the next show.

Behind the curtains, their friends gave them motivating smiles to ease their worries.

"And now, for the next performance, we have the sole hero and leader of the T.A.P.O.P.S crew,"

Drums played, egging the dramatic reveal.

The lights shut off, and the performance began.


Now, not everyone knew about our protagonist's special quirk. All they knew is that he could use multiple elements. 

So, excluding 1-A (yes, even the pros were not aware), the audience had a pretty big surprise coming their way.

The music began, accompanied with synchronized clapping. With each clap, spotlights turned on, pointing slowly to not one, not two, but seven individuals.

People's eyes widened in shock at the clear view of clones on the stage. Backup dancers? But why did they all look alike... and where was the hero?

The beat dropped as Cyclone looked up with a grin, moving to the center  with the spotlight following him as the rest disappeared into the darkness surrounding them.

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