Satan's a Condescending Dickhead

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¥ (GAGE'S P.O.V) ¥ Sorry it's kinda short
WARNING: This chapter contains religious material, and many many curse words. As will the rest of the book, you do not have to believe in God, or like God, to read this book. Please know that this book is not entirely based on Christian beliefs so, atheists on this site please don't try to burn me at the stake. This book is about Angels and demons, and of course, God. DO NOT comment telling me you don't believe in God and all of that junk, and think this story is a load of bullshit. Because in reality, it's just a story. Believe in what you want but DO NOT trash my book. I will delete your comment. But this is a fiction book so it is not meant to be taken as a religion in itself. Okay? Okay. Read on lovelies!

ALSO: Check out my new werewolf book SAVAGE! I would love for each of you to go vote and comment on it and tell me what you think! And if you like it, by all means share it with friends!

Saphire's gorgeous eyes slowly began to roll back into her head and her body became limp. I wanted so badly to catch her as she fell but this damn 'Bitch' (Pun intended) over here wouldn't let me near her. Hell's orders to stay away from her? It was "Hell's orders" for me to try and kill her in the fucking first place. A small snarl of annoyance rumbled my chest as she fell onto her carpet. At least it wasn't a hard fall. My head snapped over to the hell hound as he sat his fat ass on the carpet and looked at me happily. I could feel my less tame side bubbling up quickly. "Saphire's human side isn't going to be able to hold up for long. The angel is going to take control of her soon and you know damn good and well she will rip both of us to shreds." I snarled at him. Realization pooled into his blood red eyes as my voice filled the room. "Well, looks like she'll be ripping only you to shreds considering I'm going to deliver my message from your daddy like a good little boy and head right back to the pits." He bit out, sarcasm dripping from his every word. Red hot rage shot through my entire body at the word "Daddy". I dug my nails into my palms and bit my tongue trying my hardest not to rip this self righteous little bastard to shreds. "Do you know who the fuck you're talking to?" I managed to bite out without flying across the room. "Yup. Satan's son." He smiled back at me. Satan may be my father, but he will NEVER be my dad. He ordered me to kill the woman I love to torture me. I had no choice but to obey, Satan's orders were impossible not to follow. Saphire's body began to stir behind us. The angel was close to the surface.

"Well looks like this lovely little party we've had here is about over. So, prince of hell, here is your message. Your daddy decided to order you to kill her. And you STILL haven't done so. The angel is growing stronger every day her vessel lives and breaths. Saphire IS the angel. There is no 'Human side' to her and you know that. The spell put on her to make her forget her life as an angel won't hold up much longer. You have failed at your job and daddy dearest is pissed, to say the least. Her memories have been coming back in short bursts. Whenever she 'Blacks out' her memories are restored and she goes psycho. You know that. But once the veil is placed back on her she returns back to normal as if she was only sleeping. You know all of this. Lucifer has decided to change his mind. He doesn't want her dead. He wants all of her memories to be restored, so he can use her. Daddy dearest is planning on making your lovely little angelic lover a soulless monster. She will be his 'Bitch'. The monster of all monsters. I'm looking forward to see what she will become. But, the big dickhead upstairs wants her back too. After all, she was kidnapped from heaven. We have our sources In heaven. After all, not all of us left when Lucifer rebelled. It's going to be a game of tug of war I guess you could say. Let the games begin. You have 4 months left with her until her memories are fully restored. Good luck my prince." He bowed, keeping his eyes on me with a sinister look burning in them. The heart I didn't have was in the pit of my stomach.

Chills shot up my spine as I heard a steady movement behind me. I, the prince of hell himself was afraid to turn around. The hellhound in front of me froze dead in his tracks. His blood red eyes grew larger and larger every second. He was frozen. Fear shot through his eyes like a bullet. I have yet to see a hellhound afraid of anything, but there he was, about to shit himself. Slowly and steadily I turned around. Sure enough, the real Saphire was standing behind me in all of her glory. Her wings were spread around her, the were so big that each wing touched the ceiling, and the floor. Her beautiful blue eyes were gone, replacing them were pure white eyes. Her irises were whiter than snow, so white that they glowed a little. Golden blonde hair tumbled down her shoulders reaching all the way to the top of her waist. Fuck she was beautiful. And boy did she look pissed. "Gaap, Garmir." She greeted the hellhound and I, her smooth melodic voice bouncing off the walls with power. Chills shot across my entire body as my true, demon name rolled off her tongue. "Y-y-you're in your natural form, that's n-not p-possible." The hell hound behind me whimpered, and cowered in pure fear of her. I wanted so badly to touch her. My fingertips buzzed and ached for her. My entire body yearned for her. How was that possible? I'm the prince of hell. I should be repulsed by her. Yet, I wanted nothing more than to rip off her clothes with my teeth. Her head snapped towards me, and a breathtaking smile pulled at her soft pink lips. "It's not something you can help." She spoke softly. Fuck, I forgot she could read minds. Embarrassment filtered through my system as I turned my head away from her slowly. Her heels clicked on the wooden floors as she stepped off of the carpeted rug, and made her way towards the fear stricken hellhound. "Tsk, tsk, tsk." She clicked her tongue and shook her head in disappointment at him. "I haven't been able to go back to heaven because, at the moment I am un-pure. I have ended multiple lives and sadly, have developed feelings for not just a demon, but the prince of hell." Her powerful, yet gentle voice glided through the air. Again, the heart I didn't have swelled largely. What the hell is wrong with me. I clenched my teeth hard. I can't be this sappy. "And here I am, yearning for my creator, but I'm getting ready to end yet another life." She spoke gently before chuckling "Well, that is if he would consider you as a life". She dragged her nail across his fur as she looked at him sadly. "I apologize, and tell Lucifer that I look forward to the confrontation soon to come. Although it is not my job to place revenge on him. For the revenge is not mine, it is God's." She laughed lightly before snapping the cursed demons neck with ease, a satisfying crunch echoed off the walls as his body fell to ashes on the floor.

"I have sinned so much." She muttered sadly before looking at the floor in disappointment of herself. My heart clenched for her. Even though my father hated God, I did not. And I understood where she was coming from. She pulled her chin up and eyed me up and down in curiosity. "You don't hate God?" She spoke slowly, in a question like tone. Where was she going to go with this? "No, I do not hate God." I confirmed. Upon hearing my answer her eyebrows began to nit together, painting an attractive look of confusion onto her features. "Your father is the leader of the rebellion against God, and you, his son don't hate the man your father wishes to be?" She spat the word 'Father' as she spoke. I couldn't help but chuckle at her words. "I was not present during the rebellion. I was created when God cast my father and his followers to this planet. If I were present during the rebellion, I would have not followed my fathers lead." I spoke slowly, willing her to understand. Her eyes squinted, almost disbelieving as she looked me up and down once again. "Your father possessed the man that beat my God's son before he was hung on the cross. Your father whipped him with horrible contraptions, and showed no mercy as he let out a part of his wrath on Jesus. He poured vinegar in his mouth as he hung, parched on that godforsaken cross. And you watched. Simply to save these stupid humans. And after EVERYTHING my God's son has done for them, your 'father' convinces them that he is the one they should serve." She snarled at me, rage building up in her system. She looked like she wanted to tear my throat out. Guilt filled me whole as the gravity of her words hit me like a ton of bricks. "I do not have a choice in who my father is. But by God please believe me that if I did, it wouldn't be him. I would give ANYTHING to be just another angel in heaven serving God. But I didn't get that choice. I'm the son of a monster, and I'm damned along with him. I didn't watch as he did that to God's son. I was locked away in the pit so I wouldn't try to rebel against my father. He's aware of my feelings towards him, and my lack of hatred for God." I spoke loud and clear for her, honest guilt dripping from my every word. Before I even knew what was happening, her lips were on mine.

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