Pure Fear

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As I read this sentence, for some reason my brain refused to believe it. A man, defying the law of gravity to write a simple sentence on my window? If there was a thunderstorm last night, why didn't rain wash it off? Was there any rain last night? As I pondered on this question a flashback of the mans face in my window burned into my mind. The more I focused on the scene around him, I realized there was no rain at all.

As my mind slowly began to register everything that had happened, the more realization I had... The more fear I had. Questions began to form, innumerable questions. How had the man floated? What did the man want? Why was he asking if I was afraid? Where did he come from? How did he know of my existence? How did he know I was terrified? Is the man... Human?

I was so afraid, and caught up in my own thoughts I hadn't even realized that my mother was standing in the doorway looking confused, and upset. I can only imagine what was going through her head as she looked at her only daughter, shaking and sitting on the ground under her window, with a crazed look in her eye. "Honey y-you need to get ready for your first day o-of school. Your going to be late." She stuttered quietly while burning holes in the floor with her eyes. What did she think this was about? As I gathered my thoughts, and realizing that I needed to get it together for the sake of my mothers sanity I answered her with as much normality in my voice as I could manage. "Okay mother."

Finally, I was ready. As I looked at myself in my long purple body mirror hanging on my door, I realized that I had never given much thought to my looks. Unlike other girls my age, who would constantly stare at themselves in the mirror and judge themselves. The girl looking back at me in the mirror had long golden blonde hair falling down her back gracefully down to her waist, her hair was naturally pin straight. Her dark sea blue eyes looking back into mine, pale porcelain skin looking as though it had only seen the harmful rays of the sun a couple times. Her slim figure dressed in black leggings with white crosses, a navy blue Black Veil Brides shirt corresponding with her eyes, and black converse.

As I was putting my shirt on I looked around at the alarm clock on my bedside table, it's yellow numbers read 6:54. "CRAP!!!!" I screeched as I grabbed my bag and sprinted down the stairs. I was going to be late to my first day of school! "What took you so long?" Mother grumbled as she snagged her keys from the counter. "Lost in thought I guess." And it was the truth, I was lost in thought. Who wouldn't be after something like that? The more I think about how creepy it was... The less attractive the man seemed to me, sure he was good looking I guess but he's a creep. I debated with myself on whether or not to tell my mother, but decided not to when I realized she'd most likely stick me in an Asylum. With my mother's amount of stress, she can't handle a "crazy" daughter.

"Calm down Saphire you can do this, just lay low and don't talk to anyone." I muttered in a way to mentally prepare myself for the stares, and snickers from my peers. I looked up at the big wooden doors at the front of the school. Can I do this? My mother was gone, so it's not like I can back out and go back home. My heart was pounding in my chest as my hands touched to cold metal handles of the doors. "Here goes nothing!" I breathed as I opened the doors. With a loud squeak the doors opened wide for my entrance. Beyond the doors were a sea of people. All of them looking at me. As I began to walk in they parted like the the Red Sea. At the end of the hallway there was a sign that read "OFFICE" in large capital letters.

My converse clicked on the tile, breaking the silence of the crowd on the sides of the hallway. How cliché can this get? As I neared the office doors, loud laughing and voices were coming from the hallway to my left. Of course, me being curious I looked. A crowd of beautiful people approached. Laughing, and talking... Not paying a bit of attention to the "Weird new girl" being me. The laughing and talking stopped as soon as the boy in the center of the little pack looked right at me. He had dark blonde hair that shined in the light, his tan skin looked as though the sun kissed him, his dark forest green eyes felt as though they were burning into my skull. Why did everyone stare? Did I have something on my face?! Or was it the fact that this school hasn't had a new kid in 6 years? Fishy, right?

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