What Does your Soul Look Like?

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Let's play a game. Here are the rules. You get to turn back to clock to change history. Any piece of history that occured during your life time, is free game. You get one do-over, and only one. Sounds great right? But like every good thing, there is a twist. Choose the wrong piece of history and all hell will break loose. Choose wisely.

Will you play the game? Or will you let the past go and move on with your life? The decision is quite a tough one I must say. Everyone has a past, some darker than others. But what if you can't even remember your past? Or what if every single clip of your past seems fake, Implanted?

What do you see when you look into your own eyes through a mirror? Do you see happiness? Do you see pride? The eyes are supposivley the window to the soul, what does your soul look like? Is it torn, and caked in dirt from the filth of your life? Is it in perfect condition, no holes, no rips, and no stains? Are you proud of who you have become today? Are you proud of the choices you have made? Would you be your own role model when you were younger? Are you what your God would have you to be? Or are you your own God? Are you happy with yourself?

I'll tell you what I see in myself. I see nothing but a hollow, barren shell. A broken girl, who was once on the path of complete and total righteousness, now heading down a dark, cold, and terrifying path filled with creatures only from the darkest fairy-tales known to man. Will I manage to swim back to shore? Or will I drown in the demonic filth of this seemingly make believe reality?


What Does your Soul Look Like?

~One Week Later~

A violent strom raged and howled outside. It hissed and slammed itself into the windows of my home like a rapid cat trying to claw it's way in. Fear slowly dragged it's bony fingertips up my spine and gripped my throat preveting me from inhaling the oxygen I so desperatly needed. Lightning split the sky and lit up the entire living room leaving it in a flash of a purple etheral glow. I counted slowly to myself waiting for the ear splitting crack soon to come. 1,2,3,4. As predicted a loud thunderous roar shot from the heavens and shook the very foundation of this house.

Inhaling a deep breath I ran my sweaty palms down the front of my jeans in a desperate atttempt to whick away some of the nerve induced moisture. Storms, especially at night were not exactly my cup of tea. Squeezing my eyes shut tight, I took another deep breath and tried to calm my heart rate. Thousands of sirens danced around the wind outside and screamed their lungs out. Their high pitched voices nearly busting my windows. Clenching my jaw tight I covering my ears and tried to block out the horrifying sound as much as possible.

Deciding to try and ignore the storm as much as possible, I took to the kitchen to make some tea. The second my black combat boot hit the cherry wood kitchen floor a loud whine pierced the air outside of the front door. My heart stopped beating entirely as I held the last breath I took. This can't be real. Another loud whine tore the strings of my heart as it cried out. My bottom lip trembled as I tried to figure out what to do.

Taking one last deep breath I slowly crept towards the door. With a trembling hand I gently clasped the handle and twisted it open slowly. Thundering rain came pouring in on me and the wind shoved the door out of my hands and slammed it on the wall hard. My breath stopped in my throat and instantly. There, right infront of me sat a massive wolf like dog that was the size of a bear. It's blood red eyes pierced my very soul, read every thought and calculated my movements as it sat and watched me curiously through the pelting rain. This was not a normal dog. It's eyes held such intelligence and curiosity. It was almost as if it weren't an animal at all.

My bottom lip trembled slightly, from both the ice cold rain and fear. The beast slowly lifted it's upper lip, revealing razor sharp teeth that had blood stains in the gums. It didn't like my fear. The creature's eyes were level with mine. I had never seen a wolf like creature as large as this. It's stance wasn't in any way threatening, but it was clear that this animal could end someone's life with a single clench of his jaws. Sheer confusion etched it's way onto my face. What did this creature want?

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