Birthday Girl

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"Good morning birthday girl!!!" My mother cooed in a sing song voice. Her irritating excitement awoke me from a dreamless slumber. For some reason her words didn't register. Maybe it's because I'm half asleep... "Huh?" I asked her dumbly as I raked my fingers through the birds nest I called hair. For a second she sat on my bed, emotionless, starring at me. Until worry, along with disappointment passed through her features.

"Oh Saphire, Don't tell me you forgot about your 13th birthday! You're a teenager now!!! This is a big day for you! And for me, oh what will I do? My little girl is growing up..." Towards the end of her short rant she looked at the floor with an upset look on her face. How could I have forgotten about my own birthday? I must be going crazy. *Maybe it's all the damn stress you're under.* A voice in the back of my head muttered angrily. Psh... Language! This is just great, I see floating men, and now I'm hearing voices.

What will my mother do about a birthday party? After all, I don't have any friends here. Maybe I can just stay home and watch a movie or something... "Uh, mom? What about a birthday party?" I spoke slowly, in a questioning tone. A horrified look dawned on her face as she figured out that I had absolutely no friends, and nothing to do for a birthday party. "What would you like to do sweetie? I mean, I can organize a party with some of the kids at your school if you'd like." Like anyone from my school would come to the "weird girl's" birthday party.

"Why don't we just stay home, order a pizza, and watch a movie? Maybe we can even get a cake." As soon as the words came from my mouth, Mother was instantly out of her seat, and rushing down the stairs while yelling something about calling off work, and how excited she was.

As soon as she was gone, the feeling of being alone slowly set in. The man's face flashed through my mind over and over again like a broken record. With each time his face popped up in my mind, the more it felt like someone was watching me. I truly was going crazy. My workaholic mother even picked up on my distress. It was rubbing off on her. To be honest, I was slightly worried for tonight. My mother and I haven't spent "Mother Daughter time" ever since the death of my father. And that thought, was terrifying.

-----------------------------------------That Night----------------

"Do you want to cut the cake during, or after the movie?" My mother questioned while setting the pizza boxes on the island. "During." I answered immediately. Ironically, my mother chose a scary movie... about a killer. The thought of this didn't put my mind at ease about the man in my window at all. Considering this town actually has a murderer, I don't find it appropriate. But, I didn't want to disappoint my mother. And she insisted that it went crazy in the Box Office so it must be a good movie.

"Mother are you sure you want to watch this?" I asked nervously while looking at the horrific picture on the front of the DVD case. I've never have been afraid of scary movies, until now. Infact, I wasnt afraid... I was terrified. I've already had enough trouble sleeping, and this movie surely won't help my restless nights at all. Maybe it was the fact that the night of my 8th birthday, I watched a scary movie about a Burglar. And that night, as ironic as it is... Someone broke into our lovely little white picket fenced home.

Chills ran up my body like waves, as the memories of the night flooded into my mind. The way the kitchen window shattered as I reached for a bottle of water. It seemed like it was just yesterday. The night of my 8th birthday was for sure one of the top 3 worst nights of my life. And yes, I kept a list. As the crystal clear memories played through my mind like a movie, I shut my eyes tightly, and buried my face into the sleeve of my Bring Me The Horizon sweatshirt... Not wanting to recall the "chilling" memories.

"Saphire darling, are you alright?" My mother asked with her worry lines clearly visible. She must've noticed me shutting my eyes tightly and burying my face into my sweatshirt. "Just um, recalling my 8th birthday..." I mumbled sheepishly while messing with my hair. A flash of shock ran over her features, then anger. "Saphire! I thought we agreed to never speak of the incident again." Seeing her upset and angry features caused a pang of sheer guilt began to bubble up. "Sorry mother..." I whimpered softly, it was barely audible.

With tears blurring my vision, I piled a few square pepperoni pieces of pizza onto the paper plate. Calm down Saphire, don't cry in front of your mother. You know you can't show anyone your weak side, you can do it Saphire... Calm down. I whispered to myself quietly with tears threatening to spill over. I needed to stay strong, and not cry in front of my mother.

Scanning around the room, trying to get my mind off the disturbing thoughts and memories playing thought my head. My eyes landed on the coat rack right by the door leading to the garage. Not just the coat rack, but what was on the floor leaning up against it. My eyes glided over the smooth wood of it... My brothers old baseball bat. I had attended every single one of his games ever since I was born. I had watched him hold that wooden bat, and swing it at the small white ball, with a ripple of his muscles and the crack of the ball as soon as the precious bat and the ball collided, he had only struck out once.

My heart clenched painfully as I looked at the bat that my dearest brother held so close to him, it was his prized possession. I can't believe he didn't take it when he left. He had made it himself. Memories of him, my father and I all playing baseball together are the best memories I have. It was our sport... Our passion. I removed myself from the team when my father died, and my brother left. It didn't feel like the same sport without them.

This time, the tears were uncontrollable. They ran down my face like thin waterfalls... Dripping from my face and onto my sweatshirt. With each and every tear my eyes shed, my heart broke a little more. My hands flew to my chest as a physical pain slowly began stinging at my heart. My knees began to weaken and my vision became cloudy with tears. My knees landed on the cold wooden floor, and my hands covered my face as broken sobs erupted from my entire body. With each sob my body became weaker.

Slowly I crawled over to the wooden bat, the only thing left of my brother, and cradled it in my arms as if it were him. "How could you leave me in this mess, all alone" I managed to choke as my body trembled.

Finally, when I managed to calm myself down... I realized I needed to take breather, a moment to myself. So, why not go stand outside for a few minutes before the movie starts, and my mother begins to worry again. I thanked the heavens she didn't see my melt down. "MOTHER I'M GOING TO TAKE THE TRASH OUT!" I yelled. I'm sure she's wondering why I'm taking the trash out so late at night. I eyed the bat curiously. Maybe I should take it, in case a psycho raccoon decides to attack me. Or, if the man in my window decides to show up.

With that thought, I waltzed out the door, bat in one hand, trash bag in the other. The chilly air nipped at my skin as I slowly walked down the driveway to drop the trash bag off at the end off at the road for the trash man to take. As I dropped it off, I looked up at the sky... Just to see if I could spot any stars. I gasped in shock at how beautiful the night was around here. The moon was considerably large tonight... Lighting up our neighborhood in an ethereal glow.

Me, being absolutely entranced in the beauty of the moon, didn't notice the shadow moving towards me.

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