*You guys are going to love me for this*

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Hello everyone! Many, and I mean MANY of you were absolutely pissed at me for ending Falling For My Killer, and going off the original story line. I'm here to apologize once again, and make it up to you. I have decided to make a new story based off of the original idea of Falling For My Killer. It will be titled "Killer's Obsession". It, of course, will be slightly different from the original Falling For My Killer. But trust me, you will appreciate it. I will be pouring my absolute BEST work into this book. It will have a strong plot line and the story structure will be perfectly in place. *Squeals internally*. I'm BEYOND excited to write this book. I think many of you will like it way more than you liked Falling For My Killer. It will not be a supernatural type story, just warning you. The book will be updated every week and will hopefully get really popular!

*Here is the introduction: *

Curiosity killed the cat. We've all heard the saying, but no matter how many times I hear it, my curiosity always gets the better of me. To be honest, although my curiosity was most likely the one to blame, I choose blame my stomach for that fateful night. I just HAD to have a killer craving for Ben and Jerry's at 3:00 in the morning. What normal person goes to the store at the ass crack of dawn just to get ice cream? But even more so, what normal person stumbles upon a murder in progress, and suddenly becomes the apple of the killers eye? Me, evidentially.

We've all seen those Animal Planet documentaries where the poor little gazelle is standing in the field minding its own business, picking at the grass looking for something to eat, when all of a sudden the big ass lion stalks up the other side of the prairie eyes wide with blood lust, blood from it's previous kill staining it's strong muzzle. At this point in the documentary everyone is pissed, throwing popcorn at the screen and demanding the gazelle fights for it's little life and takes off like Forest Gump. But of course, the dumb ass gazelle sits there for a second, in awe at the sheer beauty of it's majestic oncoming killer.

I had become the gazelle, and I as the gazelle, was ashamed of myself for my pure stupidity.

I was starstruck by a cold blooded killer, and he was in awe with me too... I think. Half the time I couldn't even tell if he wanted to shove me up against a wall and fuck my brains out, or slit my wrists vertically and watch the life bleed out of me. How does one deal with that? I had only seen him once. I couldn't forget it. His strong, manly features were forever branded in my mind. Ever since that night, I had become his obsession. God help me, I was a cold blooded murderers favorite play toy, and I didn't even mind. I'm flattered actually.


I'm so excited! Go check it out!

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