The Attractive Man With the Sinister Smile

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My eyes shot open as a loud clap of thunder rattled my home along with my insides. A neon purple bolt of lightning lit up the night sky giving my room an Erie glow for a few seconds. My heart began to pound in my chest as I remebered my childhood fear of thunderstorms. As if it all wasn't enough another atomic bomb sounding clap of thunder rumbled from the pitch black sky, followed by a small streak of lightning that branched out much like the branches of the DogWood tree that I used to climb when I was younger.

I looked over at my bedside table to see that my alarm clock read 4:01 AM. "Breathe Saphire, breathe..." I told myself as my breath came out in short terrified pants. I never knew why thunderstorms scared me so much. Ever since I was 5 years old I have been completely, and utterly terrified of them. I remember screaming every time there was a thunderstorm. My poor parents were always worried to death when the sound of my screams woke them from a peaceful slumber.

The sound of a nail scraping against my window drew me out of my thoughts. As if in response my heart completely stopped for a moment. My eyes slowly moved towards the window almost afraid to look. There, on the outside of my second story window was the tip of a finger, writing where steam appeared on my window. I watched the finger write "Are you afraid?" on my window, with slow agonizing letters. For the second time tonight my heart began to beat out of my chest. Tears brimmed my eyes as an immediate response to the writing. The largest bolt of lighting I have ever seen lit up my window, revealing a man right in front of my window, giving me a sinister smile.

I couldn't make out his facial features, but from what I saw, he was actually attractive. Before I realized what I was doing a blood curling scream left my lips, followed by a hysterical sob for help. As quick as a bullet I grabbed my pillow, buried my face in it and cried like there wouldn't be a tomorrow. I rocked my body back and forth trying to comfort myself. "It's your imagination, just your imagination." I repeated over and over again to myself trying to stay sane. I eventually rocked myself into a terrified, nightmare filled slumber.

"SAPHIRE BREAKFAST IS READY!!!!!!!!!" My mother screeched. I awake with a small gasp at the sudden loud noise. Grumbling about how she could've just came into my room and told me instead of screaming, I padded down the stairs. As soon as I got half way down the mouth watering smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes rose to my nostrils and filled them. My stomach growled like a crazed animal as soon as I smelled the heavenly scents.

As I sat down and began to shovle food onto my plate, I began to ponder on the events of last night. There's no way anyone could've been outside of my second story window. There aren't even any trees near the window! Unless the attractive man with the sinister smile was spider man, I doubt he could've gotten up there. Passing it all off as a dream, I decided to forget about it. "Saphire sweetie, I know your afraid of storms and all... But your old enough to not scream like that all over a little thunderstorm." Her words made me drop my fork full of eggs onto the wooden kitchen floor. It was as if fate was telling me that the events of my horrific night were real, and not my imagination, or a dream.

"M-mother I- I'll be right back" I managed to stutter as I took off bounding up the stairs, down the hall, and to my bedroom. Slowly, and fearfully I walked over to my window. Bending down and taking a deep breath, I blew a stream of steamy air on the glass. As I did this, letters began to appear, the letters turning into words, and the words turning into the sentence that I saw last night. "Are you afraid?"


I know it's short, but I didn't get very many votes on the last chapter, the more votes the longer the next chapter!!!! Cliff hanger;) Make sure to Vote and Comment!!!

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