Heart stopping

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The wind blew softly onto my cheeks, whispering incoherent words unto the crisp night. It was almost as if it were warning me. I was too shocked to think, or even move. Every ounce of my being was drowning in a familiar feeling, fear. All I could hear was the sound of my heart hammering against my rib cage. I feel like one of the victims in horror movies, standing there, just waiting for death to swallow them whole. The type of horror movies that make you scream in anger and throw popcorn at your T.V., because the victim couldn't hear your frantic cries, telling them to run.

The shadow continued slowly creeping towards me. I was positive that my knuckles were bone white, due to the death grip I had on my brothers bat. The feeling of the smooth bat under my fingertips, brought me out of the haze I was in. Reality of the situation set in, along with a swift pump of adrenaline. Fight or flight mode kicked in and I realized what I had to do. I slowly began backing away from the buzzing light above the trash cans, and the shadow. My shoes making scuffing noises along the driveway as I inched back. This seemed to alert the source of the shadow. The only words I had at that moment were "Oh fuck".

A low menacing growl erupted from the shadow moving towards me, the sound of it's growl echoing in the cool night. My blood curled at the sound. There's no way a human could make that kind of noise, but the shadows shape was not that of an animals. My bottom lip began quivering. I was absolutely frantic. "P-please" I managed to stutter through my quivering lips. The shadow slowly began morphing into a man. "That's not possible. This is a dream Saphire, this is a dream" I mentally screamed at myself. I began walking backwards faster, in attempt to get away from the man. Before I knew what was happening, friction got the best of my shoes, causing me to fall backwards. A high pitched squeak managed to escape my trembling features as I began falling.

To my surprise, the hard driveway never came into contact with my slim back. But instead, a pair of inhumanly strong arms wrapped around my waist, keeping my from falling. I let out an immediate sob of pure terror, despite the fact that the man just saved me. The man seemed to find my sob humorous. He let out a low chuckle. "Careful little one." He snarled down at me. The moonlight hit his face just right as he said this, and I immediately recognized him. The man in my window with the sinister smile. A whole new level of fear shot into my system. This man isn't human, and this isn't the first time I've seen him.

"Please don't hurt me" I choked out. I mentally scolded myself for seeming so weak. The man let out a short breath as I finished my plea. I could scream for my mother, but I highly doubt she'd hear me. The man threw his head back and let out a bellowing laugh. "Oh please do me the favor little girl. Scream for mommy and see what happens". His eyes turned blood red the second those earth shattering words fell from his lips. Darkness began edging at the corners of my vision, slowly creeping in to take me away. My thoughts became hazy. I was losing myself and I knew it. Darkness continued pooling into my vision, like a black curtain. Until it completely took over. The last words I heard were "Happy Birthday sweetie".

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