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I couldn't help but stare at Gage's undeniable beauty as he drove me home from the scene. The way his muscles bulged through his shirt, the way his large muscular hands gripped the steering wheel, the way his perfect stubble covered jaw clenched every few moments... he was absolutely godlike. I couldn't help but daydream of the beautifully sculpted 8-pack lying under his tight gray shirt. My mouth watered at the very thought of him. How could a psychopathic murderer be so beautiful? Was it even legal to be this inhumanly attractive? If he would stop trying to murder me every time I see him maybe we could be an item.

A amused snort left his perfectly sculpted nose as a cocky smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. Why did he just snort? Confusion etched it's way onto my tear stained face. "Ever heard of a mind block?" He asked my while glancing at me amusingly before reverting his eyes back to the road. Horror filtered through my system as my eyes grew wide. It felt like someone had lit a match, and set fire to my cheeks. "Y-you can't just read my mind like that. It's not fair." I responded breathlessly. "Life's not fair." He retorted childishly. The cocky grin had yet to waver on his face. A scoff left my lips as I turned away from him to admire the passing scenery out the window.

My life as I knew it was slowly crumbling around me. My own mother hated my guts, and chose to go off on "Buisness trips" instead of staying home with me, the dull ache I always carried from missing my dad and brother was slowly turning into a sharp breathtaking pain, and a murderer was the only person I had in my life. The only problem is that he keeps on trying to kill me. But, on top of all of those gut wrenching situations, was the fact that the world I knew was turned upside down. I was in a mess of supernatural creatures that seemed to take an interest in me. Why does every supernatural creature know my name? What the hell are they? Why did the angel in the road look at me like that? Why were her eyes blue, and why are Gage's red?

Gage's large, beast like hands reaching for my precious radio lifted me out of my depressed haze. What did he think he was doing? The second he turned it on Kanye West's voice blared from the speakers making me jump. "Kanye West huh?" He asked with a childish grin. I bit my lip and looked away from him with embarrassment. A deep chuckle left his large form "Hey, It's better than that Sleeping With Sirens shit you used to listen to." Now my face really was on fire. I used to be a strange little girl. Listening to dark music, wearing dark clothes... I guess it was just a product of the pain I was put through as a child. I was ashamed of my former self to be honest. Listening to loud gothic rock bands didn't make anything better, if anything it pulled me down further into the dark quick sand known as depression.

He changed the channel after a few seconds, to a Christian song. A huge cheeky grin immediately was plastered on his face as he turned up the volume. Gage, the psychopathic killer blasting a Christian song... It was comical. Next thing I knew he was belting out the spiritual lyrics with all he had in him. "OH HOW I LOVE MY CHRISTIAN MUSIC!" He yelled with a large snarky grin. What did he have against Christians? As mean as his actions were, it was pretty funny. "Do you not believe in God or something?" I yelled over the music. His rebellious grin never left his face as he turned down the music. "Babe, even Satan himself believes in God." He replied. Confusion etched it's way onto my features. I was in no mood for double meanings right now.

One thing I knew for sure, was that I wasn't going back that cold ugly house without going to Home Depot first. And I wasn't going to let some creepy dead angel in the road, or my crumbling life stop me. I was beyond sick of seeing dark gray walls, dim lighting, and old Victorian furniture. What sane person is willing to live in a home like that? "Of course your sweet little angelic self would be uncomfortable in dark dreary places." Gage snickered in a deep baby voice. I sure as hell was not going to get used to not being alone in my mind. "Just go to Home Depot." I snapped.


The Home Depot trip was rather interesting. Little did I know, Gage actually had pretty good taste in home decor. I had spent well over $30,000... And with a little persuasion and Gage's threats, the Home Depot people would be at my house at 1:00pm tomorrow to get started on the renovation and updating. Sometimes having a 6"7 wall of meat on your arm was helpful, I received not even one disrespectful look from any male in the entire store! Which was rather new for me. I was quite used to being eye raped by every male within a 10 mile radius. But the women in the store... That was a different story. I had received enough glares to last me a year. What can I say? Gage is hot. But the nastiest look I had received the entire time was from the 60 year old plus chain smoker at the cash register. That was pretty scary.

Before I knew it we were pulling up into my long driveway lined with huge trees. Gage pulled the car to a stop besides the large fountain. I hopped out of the car and headed for the front door eager to get something to eat. Gage followed closely behind me mumbling something about me owing him a sandwich for his good behavior today. Just because he hasn't tried to murder me yet today doesn't mean he deserves a sandwich.

The second the large front door opened Gage flew past me making a beeline for the kitchen. The force of his speed planted me directly on my ass... Right on the welcome mat. Annoyance bubbled up in me. "Fuck you and your supernatural speed!" I yelled after him before letting out a light hearted laugh at his childishness. "Maybe later babe I'm trying to eat!" He called back. I could practically hear the evil little smirk in his voice. "I didn't mean it like that you perverted, pompous ass" I grumbled getting up and dusting off my white skinny jeans. Picking my up my purse, I stepped through the door and into the dimly lit foyer. A gust of cold October air flew through the open door and sent a chill down my spine. I quickly shut the door, hung my coat in the closet by the long dark staircase and headed for the kitchen.

There Gage was, digging like an insane person in the refrigerator, cabinets, and pantry. He already had all of the ingredients to make his sandwich, what was he looking for? "What can a guy do to get some fucking pickles in this house?" He complained gruffly. I didn't have enough time to cover up my loud snicker. I slapped my hand over my mouth and laughed silently. Gage froze mid way through ripping apart my refrigerator. Slowly, and tauntingly he turned around to face me with a mischievous glint in his eyes, and a butter knife in his hand.

Fear and excitement shot through my system as he slowly made his way over to me. I couldn't help but laugh at him, he looked completely ridiculous. Another small snicker escaped as he continued walking towards me. "Do you think this is funny little girl?" He asked in an amused, playful manner. Before I knew what I was doing, I nodded my head at him. That was all it took for him to come at me at the speed of lightning. In milliseconds he was on top of me and tickling me until I couldn't breathe. Seconds seemed like hours as he went to town on my sides, making me lose it. He paused for a second, bent down, dragged the dull butter knife down my arm and whispered in my ear "Do you still think it's funny?". As much as I hated admitting defeat I didn't have enough energy to survive another playful attack. I slowly bit my lip and shook my head no. A suspicious look crept onto his face as he squinted at me, waiting for me to strike. After a few seconds of waiting for my nonexistent attack, an award winning, victorious smile made it's way onto his godlike features as he reluctantly got off of me.

"I'm running to the store to go get some pickles. Do you want anything?" He asked as he grabbed my beautiful BMW keys from the counter. "Nutella and Vodka." I replied without even thinking. He smirked cockily at me before replying. "Nutella it is." Confusion and disappointment flowed through me as I realized he wasn't getting me Vodka. "After what I went through today, I think I deserve some Vodka." I grumbled annoyed. "As much as I would love to see you plastered, you're under aged αγάπη μου." He replied with a grin. I huffed, and started towards the living room to go watch Pretty Little Liars. "You have some explaining to do when you get back!" I yelled as he made his way down the foyer. He grumbled incoherent complaints before he waltzed out the front door.


(SAPHIRE'S CAR ON SIDE: It's kind of compressed)

(A/N: I know this chapter may have offended some, but please know that is not my intention, I have nothing against Sleeping With Sirens or Christians. So please don't try to burn me at the stake in the comments. Okay? Okay. Xoxo)

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