Costa Coffee

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It's Saturday and Dan has something planned for me. He called up Allie and now me and her are shopping, it's all a secret and he has told Allie but, she won't tell me. 

Allie had plans with Jazz but, cancelled them when she heard Dan's plan. Ever since she picked me up she has had a smile on her face.

"Oh my gosh! You look smoking in that dress you need to get it!" Allie says as I show her the 11th dress I've had on today

"I don't think I can afford it and it's not my colour" I complain

"Caitlin, it really is beautiful" She says smiling

"If i buy this can we go and get a coffee?" I ask

"umm...Okay, we will go to starbucks, but, buy the dress"

I went to the counter and brought the dress, we started walking to costa and heard a familiar voice

"I thought she wasn't coming to the mall, we've got to hide" She says and we see Jazz coming round the corner, we both duck behind this plant and hope that she won't see us, we watched her go into starbucks and stood up

"I guess we can't go there...Costa?" She asks

"Costa!" I say smiling and we start walking


We was in costa and we both ordered coffees, I was going to have strawberry's and cream but, it was too cold. 

"So...should I be excited for tonight?" I ask

"Oh my gosh yes! If someone did that for me, I would marry them there and then and I would never get married with someone unless we had been in a relationship for 6 years!" Allie says loudly

"Well, Dan is mine" I say winking

"Don't worry, I've got my eyes on someone else" She says biting her lip

"Who! You've got to tell me!" I say getting excited

"Well...You're not going to like it" She says frowning

"Just tell me I don't care" 

"Tyler, Tyler Wilson" She says looking down "He's been really sweet to me lately and once you get to know him, he is actually really nice, he seems like a jerk but, he has this big soft spot and only bullies people because, he has had bad past and grew up like that"

"Awwwww! That's cute!" I say smiling

Allie's phone lights up and she looks at her phone and smiles "Time to go!"

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