Pinky Promise

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It's been a few days since Dan took be back from the hospital. Just before I got out his car he asked for my number so I gave it him and now he won't stop texting me unless he's with his friends or he's sleeping. I've not been aloud to go to school yet, I have to rest for another 2 weeks, but, I'm getting sent work home which Dan delivers everyday after school. He doesn't come till an hour after school finishes because he has to drop the rest of the boys off first. Today was a Friday and Dan was coming round in 3 hours.

I put on Busted and lay on my bed with my elbows holding me up so I can go on twitter on my laptop. I don't follow anyone I know locally, if anyone ever found me I would cry because, no one knows what I'm like, they just think I'm shy, on twitter, I can be myself. I messaged some of the friends I've made on twitter and wrote a few tweets. I then went onto wattpad and read a few more chapters of a fanfic about Calum Hood from 5 Seconds of Summer getting cheated on by Fiona, his girlfriend, who cheated on Calum with Luke. 

I seen movement in the corner of my eye and looked up to find a red headed boy stood in my bedroom.

"Caitlin! You didn't answer the door" He said frowning and going to close the door to my bedroom 

"Sorry, did my sister answer?" I said getting up and turning down my music 

"No, I had to come in with the extra key" He said smiling and placing a folder on my desk, I think it might be my homework

"Wait, how did you know where that was?" I ask 

"It's been in the same place for years Caitlin" He says giggling 

"ahhh right" I say walking over to the folder he placed on my desk "I wonder where my sister is"

A loud thud made me and Dan jump, we then heard loud moans coming from the other side of the wall

"I think we found them" Dan said as my cheeks heated up with embarrassment 

"This is awkward" I say looking at Dan "Shall we go downstairs?" 

We make our way downstairs and into the living room

"Do they do that a lot?" Dan asks pulling an awkward face

I nod but, keep my head down 

"Oh" Dan says sitting down on my sofa "Caitlin" 

"Yeah" I say sitting down on a chair next to the sofa

"Do you.....Do you want to go to Nando's" He asks quickly looking up to see my reaction

"I don't know, I don't have any money" I say before Dan replies quickly

"I'm paying, I owe you a lot" 

"Dan, you can't ju-"

"Please Caitlin! Unless you want to stay here and listen to your sister an-"

"Okay I'll come with you" I interrupted and he gave a big smile


Me and Dan were now at Nando's. I had left a note on the side for my sister, I picked up my phone and left, Dan rushed me so I couldn't get anything else. In the car he put on his 'The 1975' album and he couldn't stop smiling when I started singing all the words. He said he didn't know I was such a big fan on them, we both sat there trying to impersonate his accent in the song but we both failed. 

Me and Dan were sat on a two table near the window stuffing our face with the chicken we ordered. It was quite dark outside to say it was round half 5. The lights outside shone onto the river outside of Nando's, it was a very pretty view. 

"Maybe you haven't changed so much" I say smiling at Dan

"I don't know why I chose them over you, I can be myself around you" He says stabbing his fork in the chicken 

"Are you still going to bully me?" I ask as Dan chocks on his chicken 

"No, I'm never doing that to you again" 

"Are the rest of the boys?" 

"I'll need to talk to them, but, I'll make sure they don't lay a finger on you" We both exchange smiles

There was silence, but, it wasn't awkward, we just kept chewing on our food and watching people walk past.

That's when six people that looked very familiar walked past

"Sh^t" Dan said dropping his fork from his hands it hits the plate with a loud noise "Caitlin duck!" 


"Caitlin just duck!" Dan yells as we both go under the table

I think back to who those people were. It was Tyler, Cam, Chris and the three popular girls. 

"Why are we doing this Dan?" I say after being under the table for maybe a bit too long

"They don't know I'm with" He stops and thinks about what he's saying "they don't know I'm here" 

"Why is that a problem? are you ashamed to be with me?" 

"No no no, defiantly not, it's just, they wanted me to hang round with them, but, I chose you instead" 

I feel my cheeks warm up, there's something about Dan, he gives me butterflies every time we touch, even when he was slapping me, his voice sent shivers down my spine and his laugh, gosh his laugh, I love it.

"Caitlin?" Dan says waving a hand in front of my face "You kind of zoned out" 

"Shall we get up?" I ask 

"There's one thing that I want to ....try first" He says blushing and looking at me

That's when he crashed his lips onto mine. It wasn't for long and it was a shock to me so I didn't respond

Dan pulled back a bit to look at my reaction and I was frozen 

"Caitlin, I'm sorry, I just couldn't stop myself, I've been waiting years to do that, I will wait another few years if I have to for another one, I just want to fix everything before we go into a relationship" He blabs on 

"Shut up" I laugh before crashing my lips onto his, this time it's for longer and it doesn't take long for him to respond

We both pull away and look at each other 

"woah" He laughs 

"We'll do that more often after we fix everything, pinky promise?" I say holding out my little finger and he intertwines mine and his together

"Pinky promise" 

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