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Me and Dan ended up having a nap till 7, Dan then suggested that I should just stay at his house till the next day and then go to school together the next day. I texted my sister saying that I was sleeping at Dan's and she seemed perfectly fine with it.

"If you need a shower, feel welcome" Dan says to me "The towels are still in the same place"

"Thanks, but, right now I'm hungry"

"Same, do you want to go on a date with me to nando's" He asks

"ooo a date! I'd love to" I smile before sorting out my hair in the mirror 

"I'm planning to take you on a better date very soon though" Dan smiles


We was in Nando's on a table for four. Me and Dan sat opposite each other and ordered what we wanted. I looked terrible but I didn't really care, Dan was used to seeing me like this.

"Right, I won't be long, I just need to go to the restroom" Dan says 

"Yeah, don't be too long" I smile watching him get up and head to the toilets

I sit there for about 30 seconds looking out the window before I feel someone sit next to me and place their arm over me. 

"Dan what are you-" I turn around and see that it's not Dan, in fact it's one of the girls

 "You're such a whore Caitlin" She takes her arm off me "I can't believe what you did to Jazz, she's done nothing wrong" 

"But, I didn't do anything?"

She laughs  "You lying b^tch, she even has a photo to prove it!"

What have I done? I thought the photo was of me and Dan making out 

"You do realize Jazz is dating Dan? and still is" She says

"No, he said it's not true" I say

"Then how did she know where Dan lived, why did she randomly go round?" She questions looking at me with confusion "Oh, you don't know why! It's because, they are hooking up! Him and Jazz are both in the restroom right now" 

I feel my heart pounding and my eyes are tarting to sting and I stand up

"I wouldn't go in there if I was you" He one suddenly changes and she stands up "I'm mean but, I would never want you to see it happen, I know how you feel" She sulks

I ignore her and storm to the restrooms , she tries to pull me back but I pulled out of her grip and kick the door to find Dan stood against the wall kissing Jazz. They both stop and look towards me, tears welling up in my eyes

"We are over, that was your last chance" I say shaking my head and storming back out

"Caitlin! Please! It's not what it looks like!" Dan shouts but, I ignore him

"Come here I'll take you home" the girl from earlier said

 "Go away! I'm walking" I shout

"No, it's raining and it's too far to walk, you don't deserve this! Please, the least I could do I drive you home"

I just nod and I follow her to her car where we sit there

"I know how you feel, don't say anything but, Jazz made me dump my boyfriend Chris Bourne and then she dated him a few weeks later, but, then she dumped him a few weeks later, I then started talking to him again and she found out and then hooked up with him" She says and starts to tear up 

"Did you love him?" I ask

"With all my heart and Jazz knew that" she cries "I'm sorry"

"No it's okay" I show a little smile to her and she wipes away her tears before driving 


It's been an hour now, I'm at home, crying on my bed. My sister wondered why I was home but, I just stormed into my room and started crying again. I haven't stopped ever since. 

The girl gave me her number and said that her name was Allie, she said that I should text her if I need someone to talk to. 

I decided to pick up my phone and text her 

Hey Allie, It's Caitlin, I was wondering ... Was this planned?

I got a reply almost straight after saying

I jut got told by Jazz that we were going to Nando's and then when we got there I seen Jazz follow Dan into the restroom

I wipe away my tears and continued to text Allie. She said that I could hang round with her sometimes after school, but, sometimes Jazz forces her to do stuff with her and may not be able to on some days. I'm just happy I'm not alone.

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