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Sorry I haven't updated, a lots been going on and sometimes it just too much, I will hopefully update again in the weekend:) This is a terrible chapter, I'm sorry:(


I woke up with my alarm going off, I turned over and picked up my phone switching the alarm off. I looked through my notifications to find I had 12 missed calls from Dan and 34 new messages. I didn't bother looking at them, I just wanted to cry. When I got up I forgot about what had happened but, now I can't stop thinking about it. I decided I was gonna skip school and stay in bed.

I turned over and tried to get back to sleep.

My eyes went heavy and I could feel myself drifting off, that's when my phone went off. I turned over expecting Dan to be calling but, it was Allie so I picked it up


Hey Caitlin, are you coming to school today?

No, I don't want to 

Okay, I will inform the head if you want

Yes please, thank you Allie

(another voice) Allie who are you speaking to....

none of your business ... erm I've got to go now but, I'll text you!

Thank you, bye

With that, the phone call had ended 

Minutes later I got a text 

Allie: Hey! I hope you're okay!x

Me: I'll be fine, just need some time alone, thank you for being there for me x

Aliie: No problem! You're not as bad as everyone says you are! You're one of the nicest people I've met x

Me: You're not as bad as I thought you were :)x

Allie: Thanks! Dan looks like he's looking for you ... do you want me to say anything?x

I thought about it, but, the last thing I want is to talk to him, I never want to again

Me: No thank you, I never want to speak to him again, it hurt less when he bullied me x

Allie: Okay:/ Will speak to you later, the teachers caught me on my phone, bye x

Me: Bye x

I then rolled over and decided to go back to sleep. 

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