You're a bet

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Me and Dan just froze and looked over to where the door was and we heard another knock. 

"Dan, who is it?" I whisper but, he tells me to be quiet and hide, so I did, I went into the cupboard under the sink, I made sure there was a little gap so I could see what was going on. When Dan seen I was hidden, he went to the door and opened it.

"Why are you here?" I heard Dan say loudly "No, don't come in"

"Why not?" I heard a girl say, it was very familiar, it was Jazz. I seen her enter the living room and I could see her stood there.

"I'm ill, now can you get out" Dan gets angry

"I just wanted to make you feel better" She says dragging Dan somewhere I couldn't see

"Get off me, I'm not interested in you!" Dan yells

"What? How can you not - wait, is it that nerd Caitlin, I'm so better than her Dan, I told her to stay away from you, I taught her a lesson, I fought for you Dan" She yells back

"So it was you that hurt her! Do you really think I'm going to like you even more for hurting another girl?" Dan yells 

"I tried Dan, I love you" She says

"I don't love you Jazz" 

"You're going to regret this" She yells storming out the house "You're going to love me!"

I come out the closet and run up to Dan who gives me a big hug.

"Oh and one last-" We hear the door swing open and my heart stops "CAITLIN?" Jazz yells

She charges at me but, Dan stands in front of me "Jazz stop!" 

"Dan get out the way! I told you Caitlin to stay away from him, he doesn't even like you, you're just a bet" she yells

I look at Dan "That's not true at all! and Caitlin knows that! Why are you lying?" Dan yells

"I wish you died when Dan ran you over" She says before storming out

Dan gives me a hug and kisses my forehead "Don't listen to her Caitlin"

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