'The Boys'

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I'm on my way to English now with 2 new bruises. Not bad. They wouldn't do much though because, I was in the middle of a hallway. Dan just kicked me a few times and the rest of the boys shouted at me. People around either laughed at me, stared or recorded it. It's unbelievable how many people find bullying funny. I don't even know what I've done wrong. 

I got to English and surprisingly I wasn't late. The teacher wasn't even there. 

I went to go and sit on the front row where no one sat when I seen 'The Boys' at the back laughing at me. I just carried on and sat down. 

That's when a woman came in, she had short brown hair, glasses and a long dress. I would say she's in her 30's. She looked like a nice teacher.

"SHUT UP AND LISTEN" She shouted making everyone become silent. 

"I've got a seating plan" She smirks and everyone moans "SILENT!" 

She then read through the names of the pupils in my class and I was really hoping to be sat with some stranger. But, with my luck, that's not going to happen.

"Caitlin McQuin" She shouts out and points to a table for two people right at the front. I crossed my fingers and wished I didn't get...

"Daniel Geraghty" She said and pointed to the seat next to me. I heard a few laughs.

"I don't want to sit next to ...that" Dan says pointing to me

"My classroom, my rules" She says in a harsh tone "NOW SIT!"

I see in the corner of my eye Dan sitting down next to me 

"This is your fault" He whispers "If you weren't alive this wouldn't happen"

I had to put up with a whole hour of this. This wasn't the Dan I remember. Why is he acting like this? 

"Stop crying, you'll just make this worse" Dan says before I wipe away the tears. I didn't even realize I was crying. It's just I can't believe how much he's changed "I shouldn't have said that"

"I can just kill myself now and no one would care" I mumble not meaning for him to hear that 

"Yes they would" Dan says in a harsh tone

"Who then, name one person, I bet you can't"

"Erm.... I mean I kn" Dan says before getting interrupted

"Did the dork just speak? I bet she has a crush on Dan" Chris says winking at me 

"Ew.... sorry Caitlin but, your a tramp and I would never go out with you, I would rather cut off all my" 

"Dan, just stop we get it" Tyler laughs "Who would want to go out with her" 

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" The teacher shouts "Turn to page 137 of the book on your table and read, quietly" 

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