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There's no need to hurry, we can collect things up from just where we left.
Piece by piece.


Wei Ying

Moving in with Lan Zhan felt like living in a dream.

We didn't get to do it as soon as we planned. At first, Lan Zhan always ditched the conversation whenever I brought it up. I was starting to believe that he was giving up on the idea; to be honest, that made me anxious.

But one day when I was at work, but mostly breaking my head trying to figure out if I pushed too hard, I got a text from him saying that he'll pick me at lunch. I cleared my schedule even though he said it won't take time.

That was how, a few hours later, I was on the passenger side, looking out of the window as Lan Zhan drove without telling me where we were headed. We passed the snowy city and drove for about fifteen minutes until Lan Zhan stopped the car in front of a house.

At first, it took me a while to realize that it was for us; a house away from the city, just about for two. As usual, Lan Zhan's choice was incomparable. It wasn't too large or too small, stylish and refined, with a small garden and woods at the back.

Although it was snowing outside and I wasn't wearing thick enough clothes, I stared at it for a good few minutes with a certain warm feeling in my heart when I got down from his car, until Lan Zhan noticed my shivering hands and took them in his, whispering, "We can have bunnies next summer."

I could only kiss him with my frozen lips in reply, realizing that everything I thought impossible was slowly unfolding right in front of my eyes.

Lan Zhan had already signed the property contracts and furnished the house. It was just a matter of moving in. He showed me around; the elegant living room, there was even a dark upright piano standing on the side.

When we came to the hallway with bedrooms, I saw Lan Zhan gaze at the door next to the one which was supposed to be ours. And the glance we shared afterward with warm smiles silently spoke of promises for the future; things that we didn't dare to talk about yet.

When our eye contact broke off, I knew that we were thinking the same thing. One step at a time.

When we came to our bedroom, unable to help ourselves, we made love on the coverless mattress. As I lied there in the warmth of his arms, I realized, I was happy; I was happy as I ever could be.

On a particular evening, after an exhausting day at work, I was driving home when I get a text from Lan Zhan saying that he'll be late

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On a particular evening, after an exhausting day at work, I was driving home when I get a text from Lan Zhan saying that he'll be late.

Since I'm bored and needed to blow some off heat, I decide to stop by the club for a while. When I turn the car, I realized that it had been a while since I went there alone.

The Truth That Lies (WangXian Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now