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Take a look, my love. We're woven together, entangled. Maybe we're apart but how can we be broken when there is no 'two of us', but one.


Wei Ying

"Get that over with quickly. I've got a date to attend." I groan, leaning back on the wide pillar in the car park of the G Group building, settling a bored expression on my face.

Mr. Zhi's helpless lawyer was rummaging through my car sitting on the passenger side in an unsuccessful attempt of finding my copy of the contract. And a guy was keeping guard next to me—tough looking on the bulky side—the one who politely asked me to step away from my car when I parked. As I suspected, Mr. Zhi must be thinking to get rid of all the evidence.

The lawyer sighed at a rate somewhere near ten per minute. This definitely was not a job he's up to on his Saturday off, but the look he had when discovered a tiny bottle in my glove box, man, that was worth seeing. He spares me a very repulsed glance. "You want it?" I ask in reply. "But that's probably half gone." That's a lie.

At that, he drops it back with a jerk muttering "I definitely do not."

"Well, extra lubrication is safe," I say. I mean, as a matter of fact.

"It's best for you if you stay silent." He gets out of the car, face almost green.

"Well, I'm bored out of my mind."

He closes the door with a frustrated slam.

"Are you done?" I ask with an obviously fake smile.

Pushed out of his comfort zone, he looked satisfyingly irritated. He ignores me, holding his hands away from himself like he was disgusted by the fact that they exist. After a while of thinking, he touches the hood of my car.

"Hell, no," I warn. "Not at all. You're not messing with that. It takes ages to get parts for this car." He looked visibly confused as to what he should do next. I throw my head back groaning. "Call Mr. Zhi. I'm here to meet him anyway."

After a heated phone call, I'm lead into the elevator by the now-pale-looking lawyer. Once I'm directed into an empty sitting area in the building, he runs off to a bathroom, it was clear that he was itching to wash his hands.

I find Mr. Zhi near a circular settee, who pointedly looks away when he spots me. I silently take a seat. "Honestly, I'm not sure if I should be impressed that a senile man had it in him to order to go through my things, or laugh that you only got my car."

"You breached the contract," is all he says.

"Technically, not yet," I reply. "It's Lynn who made the speech, not me." I shrug. "Oh, but, please go ahead if you want to sue me. Don't mind if I try and get some media, though. You know, gossip like this is hot-stuff to them."

"What do you want?"

"Ultimately, a few things," I say. "But we can start by leaving Lynn and Ruo alone."

His face said that he doesn't like being ordered around

I let out a humorless chuckle. "Are you at least regretting it, Mr. Zhi?" He keeps looking at me with a dead gaze. "Your daughter looked up to you, did you know that? She admired you. I thought she might know the sort of things you do, slightly at least. She didn't. Do you know what she said? I thought he just wanted me to be happy."

I only heard her, but I heard its crack she carefully covered. It felt bad, revealing this. But she deserved to know that before blindly throwing herself into his plans. "You lost her, Mr. Zhi."

The Truth That Lies (WangXian Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now