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Hold on, love. A whole world isn't enough to make me compromise the alter I worship.
Hold on to me. Without your presence, my life bears no seemly meaning.


Content Warning: homophobia

Lan Zhan

"Lan Zhan? Lan Zhan, wake up." Wei Ying's voice and a shake on my shoulder bring me back from sleep, and I sit up with a gasp.

It was bright outside with the dim sunlight of the morning, and despite the light cold, I was sweating.

A pair of hands embrace my neck, Wei Ying presses his nose against my jaw with a soft whisper of, "It's okay." As always, the tension in my body disappears. "Is it the car crash again?" he asks.

"Mn." I bury my head in the crook of his neck, exhaling at his warmth.

"Hey." His fingers softly slide through my hair. "I know it sucks."

With a sharp inhale, I pull away. "I'm fine."

Wei Ying reaches to smoothen my brow with his thumb. "Shall I make you something? A coffee maybe."

"Don't bother," I reply, realizing that I have actually picked up his coffee habit as he has been pointing out.

"Are you sure? You look exhausted."

I press a kiss on his forehead. "Being with you is enough."

Wei Ying chuckles. "Think about me for the rest of the day then." he teases. "That'll help you feel better."

What he doesn't know is that thinking about him actually helps.

What he doesn't know is that thinking about him actually helps

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A knock on my door. "Secretary Mei, sir."

"Come in," I reply.

"Mr. Lan, the boardroom is ready," Mei informs me as she walks into my office. "The meeting is in another half an hour according to the schedule."

"Thank you, Mei," I respond.

She nods with a smile. "The representative from the G-group will be arriving in about 15 minutes. Should I escort them directly to the boardroom?"

"Yes, that will do."

"Noted sir," she says, closing the door again.

I turn back to my computer screen, where I was entering the payment details for the tickets I booked to London. The next weekend, Wei Ying and I will be visiting Uncle. I'm just about to complete it when a soft ping comes from my phone, lighting up the screen with Wei Ying's name. Before I could even think, my hand has already swiped it unlock.

<Wei Ying>
How is thinking about me going so far?

I chuckle and spin my chair to face the bright light coming from the glass wall behind my desk.

The Truth That Lies (WangXian Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now