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That fever touch on my skin, oh let it burn and burn
Till my memories fill with your essenced smoke


Warning: Mature Content

Wei Ying

The drive back to my apartment was silent. A silence that bore all the tension of the painful and comforting little distance between the passenger and the driver's seats, and of the unyielding need to touch and to be touched.

The soft hum of the car engine was almost like a white sound, reminding me that there should be a conversation, but I'm more than aware that the moment our eyes meet, I'd explode, and there'll be a car crash reported in the morning.

The sight of my apartment block was almost a relief.

My apartment is not the type that speaks of big companies or fancy life. I live in a rented condo, with accommodation for a single person, mainly because I would never maintain a large house on my own. And it resembled thelittle house I used to live in with my parents—I realized it after living therefor a few months.

By the time I park the car, I was using all my self-control to not ravish him then and there. It was a mystery how I managed to walk to the elevator instead of running.

Once inside, unable to resist it anymore, I lace his fingers with mine, still avoiding his eye contact; and I could see his lips tweak from the corner of my eye.

After the soft mechanical ping and the opening of the door, both of us impatiently try to move out at the same time, and we bump on the door frame. Suppressing our half-hysterical giggles, we get out, Lan Zhan first and them me following him closely. I smile to myself feeling like my teenage self, crazily in love with the human walking beside me.

Once I close my apartment door behind us, I was surprised that Lan Zhan was still restraining himself.

"Coffee?" I tease as I walk into the bedroom.

When he comes in, he wasn't wearing his jacket. "Wei Ying." He answers as he roughly pushes me against the wall, taking my mouth.

I have no idea how it happens; how we always end up tearing each other's clothes. It was almost as if we can't spare a second apart from each other. But well, I would never complain. Lan Zhan definitely knows what he's doing. Qing was right, I missed my loverman.

When Lan Zhan carried me to my bed, I no longer had my clothes on. They were piled up near the wall where I was standing.

Lan Zhan lays me on the bed and I wrap my arms around his shoulders, pulling him close for a kiss. Having other ideas, he takes them and pins them above my head, and I feel a silky fabric around my wrists. I look up and realize that it's one of my ties. How did Lan Zhan get it? I have no idea.

He ties the ends to the bedposts and I smirk finding his face above mine with his shy red ears.

"This?" I ask.

He brushes his fingertips against my triceps when he brings them back to him, so soft and feverish—I inhale deeply.

"You asked for my tricks." He replies and I chuckle.

"You don't have to tie me up, Lan Zhan. I'm not going to—ah runaway." The last part comes out as a yell as he pinches the inside of my thigh. Surprised, I raise an eyebrow at him.

"You talk too much." He says, for some reason, his deep voice makes me shudder.

Smirking at my reaction, he caresses my side, so slowly bringing his fingers up to my chest, brushing his thumb against my nipple and then cupping it with slow strokes. I close my eyes as throw my head back, and he kisses my exposed neck, biting bruises into it.

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