Author's Note

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For the record, I still haven't managed to write a smooth Author's note. So here we go.

First, I thought I'll answer some questions you guys might have regarding the story.

Why is Qiren homophobic?
I personally don't think that there are big stories behind being homophobic in real life (Of course there can be. I'm talking about the conservative majority here). I guess it's the same for Qiren. So that, I'll leave for your imagination. I'm sure you'll come up with interesting theories. I'd like to hear them too.

Genders of the characters?
Xian - chaotically bi
Wangji - gay demi
Ruo- pan and equally chaotic
Lynn - another gay

Why ChengQing and not XiCheng?
If I say, I initially wrote XiCheng? But that dragged the plot a little. And I wanted to include a straight relationship and since Cheng and Qing are shipped in the dama, I gave it a shot.
But rest assured. Xichen and Cheng are real good friends in the "I have a dumb brother" club.
And yes, Qing did start college at 30.

Why is Wangji dancing in Chapter 7?
He's drunk (gulped down Xin's drink). He might not be passing out anymore. But he's not that tolerant. And he tends to get a little talkative and confident when he's drunk. If you notice, each time Wangji acted like an actual outgoing person, he was at least tipsy.
So Xian's equation; Wangji + tipsy = speaks his mind
Older Wangji + drunk ass but not passed out =? (he's not sure if he wants to know)

Why did Xian keep his studio if he hated it?
Because of Wen Ning. He knew that it was the only place Ning could lean on to achieve his dream.

Why did Xian accept his job if he's going to quit anyway?
At that time when Cheng offered him the job, Xian didn't know what he wanted to do with his life. So he didn't really care if he liked his work or not. For him, that was only a way to spend time and earn. Also, that's how he figured out what Wangji was thinking when tried to resign.
(This is explained in the story. I think? Just for more clarity.)

What are guardianship papers?
Adult Guardianship. An adult can name another individual as their guardian legally. This is not a form of marriage, but it's used in that way in some countries that allow LGBTQ relationships but don't allow LGBTQ marriages. That includes China.

Does Xian "flip them around"?
Tried and gave up

Why did Xian keep on sleeping around?
Content Warning!!
This transition, I didn't add up in the story, but I'll keep it here.
This didn't start at once, not soon after he left Wangji. He dated once again in his final year for the hell of it, but that was not the healthiest sort of relationship. Xian pretty much lost all hopes about dating when they ended. And his mental health deteriorated (this one is briefly explained in the story), refused to seek therapy. So when he started meeting new people at the club, Qing and the others let it happen hoping it will help him.
Later he got somewhat better after speaking therapy. And he was determined to not pursue a relationship again because it was exhausting to him. So, the habit remained.
Well, as for the people around him (except Jiang Cheng), they stopped bothering him as Xian grew older. Because, well, Wangji had never been in touch, and Xian insisted that they were over. So they believed that he wanted to spend his life promiscuously, and they respected his decision.

If you have more questions, please do comment. I'll add them up later.

I very much enjoyed writing this one. Trust me, I started off wanting to do a light plot (as always). I didn't actually realize that it became sort of... intense until it did. And it's a self-accepting, unbury your gay (figurative maybe) story. I enjoyed every bit of it

To any queer reader, if anyone says that you don't have a place in this world because you're who you are, well, fuck them, because you were brave enough to find yourself and accept yourself amidst everything, and that makes you deserve any place you want to be. Love yourself, and know that you are wanted by millions out there. Keep fighting ✊🏼

That brings me to thank all my dear readers.

A special thank you to Erus555 and MayPuvi27 who have supported me ever since I started my Wattpad journey as an author. To RayShexian for the covers, and for more.

And you, my dear readers. Keep the reads aside. I'm a new writer, I'm new to this community, but you guys have welcomed me and chosen to read my stories. And I love you guys for making this community a place I enjoy.

Thank you a thousand times for all the votes and comments, the silent reads, the encouraging words you guys give me. They've inspired me many times when I couldn't work out a chapter and I'm being completely honest here. I'll be working hard to write less cranky plots and give more interesting content in the future.

On that note, I should say here, I'm taking a break for now. So you might not hear stories from me for a while. I hope I'll see you guys again when I return.

Thank you once again. Love you guys a lot (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


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