Extra Chapter

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Here goes a late Christmas and  New Year gist to my dear readers ^^ 
A little warning in advance: Contains mature content, and might not be the ideal wangxian chapter...

Aaand go easy on me 🤞this was written in a rush

Hope you'll enjoy your read <3

As the stereo set in the living room played a rusty carol, Xian takes a look around

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As the stereo set in the living room played a rusty carol, Xian takes a look around.

At the half-empty bottle of champagne and cupcakes on the coffee table, at Uncle Jiang's old guitar he's hugging, fingers positioned above the soundhole, at the little decorations they put up for Christmas—he tilts his head up—at the person who had an arm circled around him, the one who Xian put up the decorations with. He watches him take a sip from the bubbly liquid on his glass, slow and careful, but he's probably going to be drunk tonight.

"What?" Wangji's tipsy voice boldly demands, taking a glance at the dreamy eyes that stared at him upside down.

Xian melts, smiling into his sweater, taking in a breath of wool. "Nothing."

This counted to be their second Christmas together. With all the busy hours Wangji spent at work, and Xian offered to the studio, a cozy little Christmas Eve in the warmth of their home was priceless. Wangji was trying hard to stay awake with the help of Xian's attempts of baking, but the arpeggios Xian strummed on the guitar once in a while did not help. Neither did his warmth. But when Xian pushes in to stand up to leave his side, Wangji felt a little disappointed.

"Hey, that's enough," Xian says, one hand stroking his hair, the other gently pulling his glass away—like he's treating a kid. I'm not drunk, Wangji tipsily thinks, watching Xian gulp its content down in one breath.

Xian washes the glasses, puts the bottle of Champagne in the fridge, and comes back to find Wangji on the couch, cheeks lightly flushed, wearing the face he makes when he's just about to fall asleep. He chuckles to himself, always thinking that he's lucky to see him this way.

"Come up." Xian bends down to take Wangji's hand, gives it a nudge. And Wangji's ears unashamedly take a light shade of red, having other impacts.

Turning off the lights on his way, Xian follows Wangji up the stairs to their bedroom. He stretches out a yawn. Reaches to cling onto Wangji—but suddenly he's pushed up against the closet door and the heat of Wangji's body, getting swept up in a kiss. Sucking his breath out. Blowing his mind.

"Weren't you about to fall asleep?" Xian chuckles but then gasps, feeling Wangji's leg between his own.

"No," Wangji says. A solid statement, with the way he looked proving the facts.

It was all familiar. The ups and downs, the nudges on their bodies, the resilient kisses, the sparks and fires, the tumble on the bed as Xian pull Wangji's sweater out.

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