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Red and gold eyes mixed together, a terrifyingly hard look in each set of gem colored eyes.

Before the small pixie haired girl could even mutter out the words of warning each vampire tensed, hearing the low growls of pure anger from the hideous creatures.

Renesmee and the pack had been ordered to stay and protect Naomi in her defenseless state. Yes, the lower guard was also available but the king/cullens had more trust in the shifters abilities.

The cold ones bared their fangs, lips curling in complete fury, The kings in-front, backed up by the Cullens, then the guard.

these fucking creatures were the reason they weren't by the queens side, focusing on helping. These fucking creatures were the cause of so much problems.

It was silent, other than the heavy, rasped, breaths from the wolves and occasional hiss-like snarl from a cold one.

Aro, Caius and Marcus eyes were focused solely on the three bigger figures infront. It was obvious these were the superiors. The ones in charge.

Maybe they were the cause of Naomi's current empty-like state.

Oh how that thought filled them with a greater fury than they'd ever experienced before.

In the line Edward caught that thought and his shoulders tensed, focusing his power solely onto the three larger humanoid wolves ahead of them.

He couldn't hear a single thing,

The wolf standing ahead if the others tilted its head, sharp, yellow stained teeth showing as it seemingly smiled.

Thats when a cracking noise was heard. And there he stood. Those same red glowing eyes the two friends had looked into that faithful night where the life was drained from their every being, and this new one was replaced.

Jayson paused, from his spot besides Edward he tapped the vegetarian with his pinky. An action going unnoticed in the haze of anger spread across the clearing.

'he, he turned us.'

Edwards frown deepened, a werewolf turned the two vampires?

"Oh, deary me! Where's the other one?" The man giggled, a hand going over his mouth to express his disappointment.

"You would know, wouldn't you?" Edward tilted his head, eyes darkening as the man's cheerful memories had crossed over his mind, it was almost a mocking action.

"Well, I do need to keep my little creations under check. Wouldn't want," he paused, glancing at the kings and Khalil as if they were dirt, complete and utter garbage. "Not important. You've killed three of my men." He sighed, at the mention of the fallen wolves a chorus of snarls sounded out, a chorus of glowing eyes glowing with fury at the vampires.

"Oh yes, it seems we do have a problem." Aro sighed loudly, a hand going up to his face contemplatively before he stood still once more, eyes a darkening red.

The wolf-vampire laughed, a nasally sound. "And how do you intend to solve it, leech?" He taunted, holding his arms out besides him as his eyes began glowing more intensly.

"Attack." Aro grinned, the vampires around him not missing a single beat in launching forward, angry shouts and snarls filling the once silent clearing as bodies collided.

Jane stared down a wolf, she was crouched besides Alec, fighting side by side with her twin.

Her eyes hardened and the large beast let out a pain-filled yowl, it's head rearing back as it's long gangly body convulsed.

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