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"LISTEN UP FUCKERS!" Naomi shouted as she waltzed into the throne room; the heavy chains on her tight leather pants jangling loudly in the now silent room.

"Jesus fucking Christ." Jayson gaped as he vampire sped into the room, eyes wide and smile fighting its way onto his face. "How the shit are you so fucking fast?" He panted; and she rolled her eyes. "Over dramatic sack of shit."

The sound of someone clearing their throat snapped the two out of their conversation.

"Oh, hey Caius." Naomi greeted and the man let out a loud sigh "Please explain to me why you've interrupted court?" He said with a frown and Naomi took the time to look around the large room. Eyes landing on Demetri and Felix holding two vampires down.

A male and a female. Most likely mates.

They were staring at the ground below them with furious glares on their faces and Naomi snorted. "That's a bruh moment if I've ever seen one." She shrugged and walked over to Aro, plopping down onto his lap and glaring down at the two vampires. "What the fuck." Alec mumbled from his position near Marcus and Naomi shot him a thumbs up. "I'm being professional. Oh, Aro! Are we gonna kill them?" She asked and her amused mate nodded with a barely noticeable smirk.

"Idiot and, uh, idiot, I sentence you to death for uh, being too ugly." Naomi said and before anyone could blink a large lion made up of shadow jumped from her skin and to the couple.

It opened its large mouth to show razor sharp ruby red teeth, glowing with the same eery intensity as its eyes. "Bite em, Dog!" Naomi cackled and the lion let out a roar, snapping it's mouth shut onto the male, it's teeth going straight through the dark skinned vampire who let out a loud scream of pain. His body broke apart into two and he continued screaming as his skin turned pitch black and disintegrated into nothing but a pile of smokey ash.

The girl let out a wail of sorrow at seeing her mate die but less than a second later she suffered the same fate; screeching as her body was torn into two and left nothing but a pile of ashes that would be swept away and discarded of.

"What a pleasant show." Aro mused and Naomi giggled, moving from her mates lap and hopping onto the horse sized lion. Petting it's soft mane. "I missed you dog!" She cried and hugged the animal, nuzzling her face into the cool shadows of its fur.

"Pleasant indeed. It seems our little mate is far more powerful than we thought." Marcus said with a grin and Naomi simply ignored him, too entranced by Dog's mane that was seemingly leaking shadows.

"Why have you two interrupted us?" Demetri asked politely as he moved back to his post near the door. "Oh, Naomi had a request for the kings." He explained and Aro leaned forward in his seat, eyes alight with curiosity. "What is it, little shadow?" He asked and Naomi sat up on Dog's back, the lions tail wagging wildly as it received small pets from his owner.

Naomi's plump black lips pulled up into a shy smile as she pressed her two index fingers together, puppy dog eyes staring up at the three kings. "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to uh," she twirled her fingers around each other and nibbles her bottom lip slightly. "I kinda want to go on a date with you." She said and Jayson began laughing loudly at his best friend as the three kings sat confused and amused.

(A/N: oh my fuck, that rhymed, ugh, I'm so talented.)

"You ain't shy, bitch. You're retarded." Jayson sassed and Naomi began laughing "That's a mean word. Fluffy." She said and within seconds the small rabbit was chasing the Vampire around the room with such anger that even Jane stared wide eyed.

"But, as I said earlier." Naomi stared placing a kiss to the top of her lions head before allowing it to take its place back into her skin "I don't really know y'all and since this ain't some one night stand type of thing I wanna get to know you three, individually of course." She said and Aro beamed "That's a wonderful idea amoré!" He gushed and Naomi felt herself grinning shyly; for real this time.

"That's great, Jane! Pick a number between one and three." She said and the blonde girl paused, hitting her bottom lip before curtsying "Two, my Queen." She said politely and Naomi grinned, her golden honey eyes locking onto Marcus who stared back with a raised eyebrow "Well, Marccy poo!" She gushed and Marcus looked at her wide eyed at the nickname "You're my first date! Tonight, uh, dress casual, if you decide to dress in something that's not then it's your own fault for any damage that may befall against your stupidly expensive suit." She said and skipped off, leaving a chucking Aro and smirking Caius.

"Wait for me!" Jayson called and vampire sped out, following the chaotic girl toward the garden.

"Switchblades, cocaine. GothBoiClique, make a hoe shake" Naomi hummed quietly as she got ready for her date with Marcus. She'd found a clearing in the woods and wanted to show him how pretty it was while getting to know him.

"Black fur, black coat," she sung as she slipped on her spaghetti cropped shirt. It was a nearly black grey with the words 'rat Whore' in mini diamond like gems and a pair of tight black skinny jeans with heavy chains on either side of her waist.

"When I die bury me with all my ice on," She looked at herself in the mirror and winked before starting on her makeup.

It was simple; thick eyeliner, mascara, simple eyeshadow, nose blush, and an impulsive eyebrow slit.

A knock on the door alerted her of her mates arrival and she grinned at the mirror before bringing the lip plumping gloss to her lips and applying it.

"I'm coming!" She said and quickly packed her stuff into her makeup bag; nearly falling face first as she slipped on her leather combat boots. She opened the door to the large room and grinned at Marcus. He truly was handsome.

His long hair was pulled into a low ponytail; tied by a silk emerald colored ribbon. His dark forest green button down shirt had the first three buttons undone showing off his pale skin. He wore a pair of black skinny jeans with black Jordan shoes; Naomi didn't even know he knew the brand.

"Look at you," she purred and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "Very handsome." She giggled and Marcus chuckled "Rat whore." He read her shirt and traced her bottom lip with his thumb. she knew if she was human the blush placed on her cheeks and nose would be real.

She leaned up and her lips brushed against his ear "You needa work harder for a kiss." She taunted and sauntered off; the long haired king chuckling and following closely. Linking their arms together with a small cheeky grin.

"Lead the way, love." He purred as he kissed her cheek

"Shut up and walk, handsome."


I'd just like to address that I refuse to proof read unless I know for sure I was being stupid and typing wildly so forgive me for any mistakes, I should have another chapter up within two hours or tomorrow because my brain said fuck you and decided to bug me with ideas.

Once again; if you all have an idea who I should pair up Jayson with please drop your suggestions. Love you! <3

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