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THE SKY WAS DARK AND FILLED WITH bright stars; they twinkled happily as the offered an unhelpful light to the two vampires walking.

Naomi had a small smile on her face as Marcus and her talked about any and everything.

"I was turned when I was 19, met Aro not long afterwards." He explained to Naomi who looked up at him with twinkling eyes "Do you have a gift?" She asked softly and Marcus smiled slightly down at her "Yeah; I'm able to see emotional ties between people. Gold for mates; red for family; black for enemies; and green for friends." Naomi beamed at him "Do me and Jayson have a green tie?"

"The brightest glowing green I've ever seen." Marcus assured and placed a kiss onto the girls forehead "Where are we going, love?" He asked and Naomi looked around at the trees before grinning like the Cheshire Cat. "We're here." She sing songed and they walked out of the trees and into a large field.

The moon shone through the opening in the trees casting a gentle light on the bright and beautiful variety of flowers.

Marcus paused to admire the beauty of his mate looking up at the moon in the middle of the field; a light pink rose held carefully in her hand. Marcus felt his unbeating heart flutter in affection as Naomi turned to him with a grin. "Cmon!" She called out and held out a hand to him which he gladly sped over and took, twirling Naomi around in his arms and pulling her close to his chest.

Their bodies fit together perfectly as Naomi wrapped her arms around his shoulders, looking up into his eyes with a gentle smile.

Naomi pulled out her phone and opened one of her many plays list; pressing shuffle and allowing John Legends angelic voice to fill their ears.

'Talk; lets have conversations in the dark' he sang as Marcus and her began twirling around in a gentle and beautiful dance.

'World is sleeping, I'm awake with you; With you' Naomi allowed her eyes to close and her head to rest against her mates muscular chest; bashful smile on her plump lips.

"I never thought my life would end up like this." She said softly; eyebrows furrowing slightly. "I never expected to turn into this, or to meet you. I—I just," she opened her golden eyes and looked up at Marcus who's red eyes were already staring down at her "I always thought that I'd get myself killed,"

she giggled "Or kicked out. Renee kinda stopped loving me once I reached age ten. It's okay tho, I already had Jayson by then. But, I don't get it, I'm glad we're in this life together it's just fucking horrible that I dragged him into this." Her voice wavered and Marcus felt his heart clench

'And you say that you're not worth it. You get hung up on your flaws; Well, in my eyes you are perfect, As you are' was sung gently into the cool air as Marcus leaned down and placed a kiss on the tip on the girls nose "It's not your fault. I'm sure Jayson is more than happy to be here with you," he whispered and Naomi bit her bottom lip as she gazed up at him through her long lashes

'I will never try to change you, change you; I will always want the same you, same you. Swear on everything I pray to, That I won't break your heart'

Naomi leaned onto her tip toes as she pressed her plump lips onto his soft ones. It wasn't some stupid cliche 'sparks flying' bullshit. But as their lips moved together in a delicately sinful way; it felt right. Everything felt right. In that moment Naomi knew she'd never be alone again because no matter what Marcus and her other mates would be there for her.

She pulled away and felt herself grinning foolishly as she opened her eyes to look at her mate who smiled down at her; his eyes gleaming with such raw emotion that Naomi couldn't help but lean back up and connect their lips again,

'My darling, you should know this, My love is everywhere you are—"

They pulled apart once more and Naomi took in an unneeded breath of air "Y'know what Marcus," she mumbled as she tilted her head and looked up at him; black hair shining in the pale moonlight "I kinda like you." She said softly and leaned her head back onto his chest as they swayed to the rest of the song. No words needed to explain the emotion of pure affection in the air.

"Jesus fucking Christ you broke Naomi." Jayson cried out to Marcus the next day as Naomi stayed sitting in the training room next to Dog and Bagheera who looked just as happy as their owner.

A soft smile replaced Naomi's usual sinister smirk and Marcus chuckled; his own grin having never left his face. Jayson noticed three other shadows seeping from the girls skin and instinctively jumped away as Fluffy sassily glared at him. Nagini and a large raven made of shadows; she'd named it kiwi.

Marcus raised a brow at the girl before nodding his head at Alexandria; a lower ranked guard who'd been training previously and her mate before turning and leaving. Letting out a quiet snicker as Fluffy decided to launch at Jayson.

"Flufffyyy!" He screeched and ran to Naomi who sat calmly in crisscross applesauce (A/N: did y'all call it that in elementary? We did and it stuck with me lol.)

Fluffy paused as Naomi raised a brow, the small rabbit decided to just hop onto Naginis back for a free ride around the room as Jayson and Naomi began talking quietly about her date.

"Did you fuck in the forest? How was it? Did he touch your no no square? Oh my god, did it go bad?! I'm sorry baby!" He ranted and Naomi smacked him upside the head "No you silly stupid bitch; it actually went fucking amazing." She grinned and Jayson squealed excitedly "Spill!"

"We walked human pace to the field, talking about ourselves. He's such a dork," she added, giggling as she remembered the way his eyes would light up as she talked about herself. "When we got to the spot I put on some music and we danced, and kissed. And holy shit it was amazing!" She squealed and threw herself onto her back; smiling up at the ceiling and linking hands with Jayson who lay next to her.

"I'm glad you're happy," he said genuinely with a small smile on his face "You deserve it more than anyone." He admitted and Naomi turned her head to kiss him on the cheek. "You, my little gay princess," she said and Jayson rolled his eyes with a grin "you deserve happiness too, and when you find your mate I'm going to mate sure y'all get your own section of the castle just so you can fuck in peace." She finished and Jayson chuckled

"I love you, dummy." He said and wrapped his arms around the small girl who gladly returned the hug.

"I love you too."


Look at me; being all wholesome an' shit. Next chapter should be out within three days; love y'all! <3

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