Black Lives Matter.

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Hey everyone, this isn't related to the story and you can skip if you wish but what's happened on the 25th, what happens all the time, is just pissing me off.

On May 25 an African American male named George Floyd was killed by Derek Chauvin, a white police officer. George was begging for the officer to get off of him so he could fucking breathe, but obviously that didn't happen. I'm appalled at the world. I'm glad people are protesting but we shouldn't have to! We've come from slavery to this, I'm even scared to leave my house sometimes because people are fucking crazy.

A couple weeks ago I got down at the store to buy something and some white lady started yelling at me, I was kicked out of the fucking store for 'starting' shit. It's fucking crazy how long this has been going on. It's 2020, no one should be afraid to leave the house because of their skin color!

And Tony McDade? He was a transgender male who was un-fucking-armed. And people have the audacity to disrespect him in death as well, misgendering the poor man that didn't deserve to die.

A woman called the police on an African American male because he asked her to put her dog on a leash. She claimed "He's attacking me!" To the 911 operator. She was fired from her job, but it's fucking crazy how the world is.

And this shit happens every fucking day y'all, It's sickening and disgusting. I can't count the amount of times I've been hanging out with friends and some privileged white asshole came up to us to start shit. Gunshots have been fired in our neighborhood during Halloween or The Fourth of July with racial slurs shouted out.

If you don't support black lives matter or you support those fucking pigs what killed George, get the fuck off my page.

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Our lives aren't a fucking joke, we're people too

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Our lives aren't a fucking joke, we're people too.

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