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NAOMI SAT IN THE LARGE THRONE ROOM eyes glaring up at the high ceiling as her mates took care of court. A small group of vampires had attempted exposing themselves to a small town in London and one of them; scared, and ran to Aro.

Jayson had refused to attend court because its 'annoying' and loud.

So; here Naomi was, alone and bored. "Do not lie to me," Aro said with a false smile, his eyes darkened in rage as the mini covens leader refused to admit to their crime.

Caius let out a low growl and shifted in his seat, red eyes full of superiority and annoyance. "Brother," he drawled while sneering down at the four vampires "Just kill them." He huffed and Naomi snickered, mumbling a quiet 'baby'

Caius turned his glare onto her but the look in his eyes had softened into a look that made Naomi think back to their heated make out section in the forest.

She knew her face would've flushed a bright pink so she did the only thing she could think of and flipped up her middle finger to him with a grin.

Someone from the small coven snorted and Naomi turned with a glare "Who the fuck are you laughing at?" She huffed and the guy blinked in surprise "nothing," he said with a defiant glare that Naomi found she didn't like.

"You trynna throw hands?" She asked and the male smirked with a chuckle "A woman of culture I see," he bowed and Naomi laughed "Can we keep him?" She asked Aro who sat confused. "Amoré, I thought we agreed to kill the-"

"Not him, his friends though, they can die." She said and the male laughed again "Do what you want, I'm chillin'." He shrugged and Naomi clapped; hopping out of her mates lap and over to the male.

Caius hissed at Jane and Demetri who were quick to join their queens side; knowing damn well if it came down to it she could take down half the room in one blow.

"Come here, you stay by Jayson then we can go chill in the gardens." She said to the dark skinned vampire who shrugged with a small grin. "Bet, where's Jayson, wait no, who's Jayson-" Jayson; the ever dramatic idiot, threw his shoe at the vampire with a cheeky grin "Right here."

"Ight, see ya later Queen." The guy grinned and Naomi shrugged, deciding she'd get his name later.

Naomi glances at the pale blonde man who stood slightly infront of his small coven and couldn't help but think of Carlisle; she'd have to call later.

"Bye," she said and Nagini slowly slithered from her skin, the shadows freezing into an array of icy sharp edges. One of the girls took a step back and Naomi didn't even look back at the scene as she sauntered out of the throne room. A small smile making its way onto her face as she heard a loud hiss; and then screaming.

Naomi pulled out her Mac book, it was a 'gift' from Carlisle.

She had Suicideboys playing quietly in the background as she scrolled through her contact list and pressed call on the one named 'Cooters 🥴💅🏻' with a picture of her and the Cullens making funny faces, well her, Emmet, Renesmee, Jacob, Jasper, Bella, and Edward. Carlisle was staring at them oddly and Esme was trying to make a weird face that came out as an adorable looking smile, Alice and Rosalie posed to the camera with small grins while Jayson could be seen in the background as a blur going down the stairs to hide from Fluffy.

The video chat loaded and Naomi felt herself grinning as a familiar face popped up; Carlisle.

He didn't understand technology too well so he had the phone at an odd angle that Naomi was quick to screenshot; she was going to print and frame it. "Hey daddy, C." She said with a grin and Carlisle's face twisted into a grimace as he set the phone down at an angle that showed the whole family in the sitting room, smiling at Naomi through the screen.

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