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NAOMI LAY ON THE FLOOR NEXT TO JAYSON not caring about the weird stares she received from half the people in the room.

"Can't take big dick but I suck on it," she mumbled, staring up at the ceiling and ignoring the loud laugh from Emmett. "Oh dear," Aro said, wide eyed as he looked down at the girl who continued singing "I ain't fuckin' with the pussy got a bump on it." Jayson began singing with her, their voices in sync. "Bad bitch put the pussy on me,"

"On me." Naomi moaned out and Jayson laughed and smacked her "Nasty bitch." He said and she paused "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target."

Caius stared at the girl oddly and Renesmee laughed "Bruh, you play too much." She said and Naomi shrugged "It's all fun and games until I put on my shrek fur suit." She said and Carlisle sighed "Naomi last time you put that on you fell down the stairs." Esme said quietly and the girl gaped at her

"It was Jaysons fault! Don't come for me! I love you," she cried out dramatically and Marcus looked away to hide the small smile that was working its way onto his lips.

"You're so fucking chaotic." Jacob sighed and Naomi simply flipped him off. "So, uh," she paused looking over to the three kings who were staring at her intently "Does this whole mate thing mean I get to move in? Because, if so, I'm not leaving without Jayson." She said grinned at her best friend. Caius looked angry for some reason and Edward picked up on his thoughts of jealousy "Don't worry, he isn't interested in woman." He explained and Naomi started giggling.

"Well, I suppose it's okay for him to come along." Aro grimaced and Naomi squealed, launching herself at the kings, wrapping herself around them and laughing loudly. "She had way too many pixie stix." Jayson murmured and received a small bunny made of shadows chasing him around the house, angry noises coming from the rabbit.

Esme let out a cry of shock as her favorite vase went crashing to the ground, shattering into a bunch of pieces.

"Oh so you dead dead!" Jasper mumbled and Esme stood up to scold the boy.

"Let's go pack Jayson!" Naomi said as she stood from the kings laps, running up the stairs with a frantic Jayson following quickly behind.

"What in the world are you wearing?" Caius gaped as Naomi ran down the stairs in a black cropped spaghetti strap that stopped one inch below her breast and a pair of short sport shorts that didn't even go down to her mid thigh. She had on sock that went up to below her knee and her favorite pair of Air Force 1s. She had on a grey beanie on her head and her makeup from earlier still on her face.

"Clothes?" She said, frowning in confusion and Renesmee sighed. "You kinda look like a whore." She said simply and Naomi paused "Oh, ogey?" She asked and continued walking into the room, Jayson running down in a pair of grey sweatpants and a black hoodie.

"Why don't you dress like that?" Marcus asked and Naomis face scrunched up "I'll look like a lesbian. Now don't get me wrong; girls are great in bed but I'm more of a girly gir-"

"Okay let's shut you up!" Bella smiled and placed her hand over the girls mouth, glaring as Naomi's tongue licked at her hand. "I can't stand you." Bella sighed before pulling the girl into a hug "If you need me just call, okay?"

Naomi nodded with a small smile and ran around to hug each of the Cullens, Rosalie, Emmet, Carlisle, and Renesmee getting a kiss on the cheek with it.

"Thank you for putting up with me and Jaysons bullshit for so long, promise I won't rob anymore malls!" She winked and Demetri gaped at the girl, keeping quiet though.

"It was wonderful visiting old friend, and young Renesmee, you've grown beautifully." Aro complimented and Renesmee nearly laughed; Edward had to glare at her to snap her out of it. "Thank you, Aro." She smiled sweetly and Naomi looked over at the four guards standing stiffly near the door.

"Hi!" She grinned and they froze before Jane bowed "Hello Queen." She greeted and the other three followed suit.

"Oh," Naomi said, realizing the situation she was in "Oh damn bruh, I'm royalty?" She asked herself and Demetri bit back a snicker "Damnnnnnnn," she said, Rosalie sighed and walked over to the girl, smacking her lightly upside the head. Caius growled and Naomi grinned sheepishly "Sorry." She hugged Rosalie once more before summoning Bagheera and riding him outside.

Jayson smiled slightly and looked over at the Volturi "We should go before she gets sidetracked and," a loud crash was heard from outside and several eyes widened "Let's go!" Jayson laughed and ran outside, ignoring the three trees knocked on their sides.

THE GROUP NINE SAT IN THE JET the four guard members in their own space while Jayson and Naomi sat talking to the kings.

"Tell us about yourselves," Aro said politely and Naomi nudged Jayson who blinked in surprise.

"Well uh, I was turned at the same time as Naomi. I was an orphan beforehand, uhm," his brows furrowed as he tried to think "I have a pretty epic gift, not gonna lie." He said and Aro's eyes sparkled in interest "May I?" He asked and reached for the males hand, Jayson shrugging and allowing Aro to read his memories.

Aro pulled away with a slightly disturbed face, glancing at his mate in concern "You're very," he cleared his throat "Chaotic." He said and Naomi shrugged.

"It izz what it izz," she said simply and Caius pinched the bridge of his nose.

"May I?" Aro asked the black haired girl who grinned and stuck out her hand, darkening eyes sparkling in mischief. "Warning, I'm a crazy bitch." She said before allowing Aro to look into her mind.

A few minutes passed as he inspected her life and he pulled away eyebrows furrowed and a smile on his face "You truly are going to be a handful." He chuckled and Naomi held up a peace sign before summoning Fluffy to cuddle with.

"Can I put music on?" She asked suddenly and Aro sighed "Of course,"

"Why'd you say yes?" Caius hissed to Aro ten minutes later as Jayson, Naomi, and Fluffy jumped around, the two vampires screaming lyrics to some song by ice cube.

Marcus sat with an amused smile as his mate flung her arms around wildly, dancing to the song.

Jane and Alec sat watching the scene in hidden amusement while Demetri and Felix simply laughed out loud. "Caius!" Naomi pointed and grabbed the blondes hand "Dance with me!" She giggled and the vampire gave a horrified expression "I will do no such thin-"

"Bruh, and this is why dating older guys sucks." Naomi huffed and picked up fluffy, glaring childishly at Caius who sat frozen, wondering what the fuck was going on.


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