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Fluffy ran through the halls, his shadowy body speeding through walls and jumping around several members of the lower ranked guard.

If felt like forever to the small shadow when he'd finally found the kings sitting in Aros library, faces grin as they sat in silence.

The small shadow jumped into their view and thumped his back legs aggressively, an attempt to tell them to follow him to his unconscious owner.

"What does he want?" Marcus whispered as he looked down at the wide eyed rabbit who jumped off the desk he'd got in and ran in a circle before looking back at them.

"Us to follow him." Aro said as he quickly stood and nodded at the anxious shadow.

The three king sped after the shadow and entered the unusually dark room, hearts dropping at the sight of Naomi laying unmoving, eyes closed, and seemingly paler than she already was.

Carlisle Cullen was at loss for words; he allowed his face of concern to shine through as he once more, looked over the still and lifeless looking body of Naomi Swan Volturi.

Her three mates stood next to the doctor as they stared at the lifeless body of their usually bubbly mate.

Jayson paced outside the room, a permanent pool of venom in his ruby eyes.

How could this happen?

Even the kings who'd lived longer than most vampires had never seen anything like this before in their lives.

Now that Naomi wasn't here to joke around and cause trouble it was quiet. A depressive cloud hung over the entire volturi and the Olympic coven.

And even though everyone wanted to stay by the queens side, praying to whatever god there was that she'd wake up and cheer them up with one of her snarky remarks.

There was a bigger, deadlier problem that awaited them.

And it was approaching quicker than their queens smart remarks.

It was cold, that's what Naomi had decided, her usually marble skin felt the extreme rush of cool air and she was sure she was shivering,

Her vision was gone, she saw nothing but the deep black she wore. She couldn't hear, or maybe she could and it was just completely silent. Maybe no one had found her- no, she knew she was with her kings. She knew fluffy did his absolute best.

Naomi didn't like the quiet, she didn't like the feeling of being absolutely alone. She couldn't even feel her shadows. She could always feel her shadows.

She didn't understand the problem, if she were to wake up and ask aro, or marcus if this has ever happened before she could almost hear the answer she'd receive

"Mia cara of course this has never happened,"

Another rush of cold violate air hit the dark haired girl who let out a whimper.

Maybe she was dead, maybe this was hell.

Maybe she was stuck in the dark to suffer with her thoughts. Never to tell time and never to hear or see her mates again. To be completely and utterly isolated.


Alice Cullen sat near the queen of vampires, her small hand grasping Naomi's gently.

She'd just had a vision and had only calmed down once she was near the usually energetic girl.

The Psychotic Queen||Volturi KingsWhere stories live. Discover now