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NAOMI SAT ONTOP OF DOG AS the animal raced Bagheera and Kiwi around the castle halls.

Jayson was somewhere in the in the garden practicing his gift and Naomi didn't want to disturb the vampire.

Naomi let out a squeal as Bagheera cane to a sudden stop infront of Dog, causing the animal she was currently on to stop as well and nearly launch her off his back. "brUHHH!" She shouted as she saw Caius infront of Bagheera with a raised eyebrow.

"Ohmygod! Hey blondie!" Naomi grinned and hopped off of the large lions back, skipping over to the blonde king and grinning. "You and me," she said seriously before grinning "Date tonight." She said and his eyes widen slightly before he smirked "Of course, darling." He purred and Naomi kissed his cheek before hopping onto Bagheera.

She stared at Kiwi with a small grin before an idea struck her. The bird was as big as Bagheera, she was pretty sure she could ride him if she wanted.

She could probably transfer more shadows over to the bird and fly on it. She let out an excited giggle and told Bagheera to head to the forest.

She let Fluffy and Nagini out as she went to use the shadows the trees supplied to her advantage. Kiwi; who knew what was happening stood still with his wing spread widely.

"If this works maybe I can take Caius." She mumbled and smirked. The other days she'd learned that she can harden the shadows that made up her animals into a type ice cold yet soft surface. It was different from the soft fur she always felt from them but it was a type of armor that allowed Jayson and her mates to touch them. Of course only Jayson knew of it though.

She guided the shadows to Kiwi who let out a squawk of happiness as the shadows wrapped around him and he began expanding.

Her entirely black eyes seemingly sparkled in glee as her plan worked out.

She stopped his growth as he grew as big as a horse, his head tilting to the side as he snapped his shadowy beak at the girl. "Oh baby!" She cooed and hugged the bird tightly "J love you! I love you four too!" She said sternly and began giggling.

"Harden." She mumbled as she removed herself from the hug, her hand resting on the animals smooth beak. She bird made of shadows let out a quiet trill and the shadows seemingly flowing from its every being froze and turned into hard and jagged edged. It's eyes even turned a pure black, no trace of red anywhere.

"Ok now let me on." She mumbled and the bird opened it's wings again; it's back smooth with two jagged edges that looked like handles. She hopped onto his back and grinned as he shot into the sky, going above the clouds to avoid being seen.

She whooped loudly and laughed as the bird did a flip in the air and let out a loud trill. 'Caius is going to lose his shit' she thought with a giggle before tapping Kiwi; letting him know the ride was over and it was time to go back to the ground. She still needed to get ready for the date.

$suicideboy$ played loudly throughout the bathroom as Naomi showered, singing along to the lyrics.

"Sharpen the blade so their wrist can be shaved," she sang along to reign in blood, washing out her hair and turning off the shower.

She grabbed her blow dryer and turned it on full blast; swaying her hips to the beat of the song; grinning happily as she dressed in her black highwaisted shorts and red cropped hoodie. A black pair of thigh high stockings showing off only a portion of her thick milky white thighs.

She put two pigtails in her hair and left the rest down before getting started on her makeup. Red lipstick, mascara, eyebrows, she did her eyeliner dramatically and made sure to put some on her waterline. Grinning at her reflection she skipped out of the bathroom to put on her black combat boots with chains.

The second she finished the door opened and Caius came striding in clad in a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with rips at the knees, black sneakers, and a silk looking red button down shirt. His over dramatic ass having the first four buttons undone.

"Oh, damn, fuck it up Kenneth," she quoted and Caius raised an eyebrow "Where are we going?" He asked and held out his elbow, Naomi accepted and they began walking down the hallway, Naomi forcing an AirPod into the mans ear and shuffling her romantic playlist.

(A/N: y'all get the vine reference? I hope so.)

Love on the brain by Rihanna began playing and she grinned, leaning her head onto the blonde vampires shoulder.

'Baby you got me like, oh, mm' was sang softly into their ears as they reached outside; beginning their walk into the tall trees of the forest.

Naomi allowed Kiwi out discreetly and let him travel to the spot she'd told him.

'Don't you stop loving me (loving me)
Don't quit loving me (loving me)
Just start loving me (loving me)'

They talked about random things as they listened to Rihanna's gentle voice, Caius keeping his mouth shut as he found he actually liked the song.

'Must be love on the brain
That's got me feeling this way (feeling this way)
It beats me black and blue but it fucks me so good
And I can't get enough
Must be love on the brain yeah'

Naomi giggled as Caius explained how he hated werewolves"Baby," she mumbled and the man chuckled, stopping and gripping the girls chin gently.

He lifted her face up and stared into her eyes with a smug grin as she gulped audibly.

'No matter what I do, I'm no good without you
And I can't get enough
Must be love on the brain'

He pushed her back against a tree and smashed their lips together. Naomi let out a quiet moan and Caius slid his tongue into her mouth, tongue dancing a sinful dance. Caius chuckled once Naomi pulled away, bitting on her bottom lip and pulling her hand from his hair. "That was hot."she giggled and Caius rolled his eyes, placing a kiss to her forehead "Oh, Cmon! Kiwi is getting impatient." Naomi giggled and grabbed his hand, pulling him to a mini clearing in the trees.

'I'm no good without you
And I can't get enough
Must be love on the brain'

Caius let out an odd noise as he saw the now giant bird seemingly incased in black ice. "Care for a fly?" Naomi asked with a cheeky grin.

"I suppose that's okay." Caius smirked and Naomi pulled him over to the bird; hopping on his now hard back, snorting as Caius hesitated. "Don't worry, you don't fall apart." She promised and the blonde rolled his eyes, small grin on his face.

He hopped in behind her and carelessly wrapped his arms around her thin waist, unconsciously squeezing tighter as the bird soared into the sky.

Eventually both of them were laughing and sharing small kisses as Kiwi soared over the beautiful forest.


Bet you didn't expect another update- hah!
This ones a little trash because I typed it in like twenty minutes randomly but I hope you enjoyed Caius; I know Naomi did. Ahaaa, but for real though, next chapter is going to be in a few days so I can continue writing some chapters for a couple unreleased fanfics. Also I'm so sorry for how shorty the ending was, I literally couldn't think of anything.

Bye! <3

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