A Te

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The evening air was cool and caused Kats shirt to flap from the breeze as they sped down the winding dust road and into the town centre. Damian's scooter was slick and a lot faster than Kats traditional model so they were parked outside the restaurant within a few minutes.
Damian effortlessly slipped off the scooter before offering a hand to assist Kat, she graciously accepted his gesture, as she swung her leg back over the seat she clipped her heel on the seat causing her to stumble into his chest.

"You good?" He laughed, holding her waist to steady her.

"Yep. Must remember to always go with a jacket and flats." She smiled sweetly as she removed the helmet and passed it to him.

As she flattened her hair she studied the outside of the small welcoming building across the road from them, the petite windows at the front glowed dimly from the warm flickering candles inside, and a young couple sat at one of the outside tables caressing each other's hands as they smiled into each other's eyes. There was a warmth to the air now and the faint sound of classical music drifted out into the street like a scene from an old movie.

"Buonasera" An elderly couple nodded towards Kat as they passed by and headed down the narrow street towards the lively sounds of music and chatting, which echoed through the air from the open courtyard at the other end of the street.

"You ready?" Damian smiled as he took her hand and led her across the road to the restaurant.

"This place looks lovely." Kat smiled back as they reached the fairy-lit, ivy-covered entrance.

A well-dressed lady greeted them at the door with a welcoming smile as Damian repeatedly apologised for being late, but she didn't seem to mind as she waved her hands at him and excitedly welcomed them inside.

"Come in, come in. My name is Constance." She took Kats hand and patted it softly. "It is truly a pleasure to have you back Damian."

"It's a pleasure to be back Constance." Damian warmly smiled in response.

"Please, follow me." Constance let go of Kat and gestured for them to follow her.

Kat stayed close to Damian as Constance led them through the foyer, and into the main body of the restaurant, sternly calling out to the Kitchen in Italian as they passed the vacant small wooden bar in front of it.

The beautiful trailing ivy on the outside of the building remained a feature on the inside as it wound around the beams in the ceiling and down parts of the walls, emphasising the quaint rustic decor. Constance elegantly guided them towards the back of the room to a small two-seated table dimly lit by several large pillar candles and little tea lights in the middle of the surrounding tables, which flickered from the draft creeping through the old windows. There was a single red rose lying across the menu of the seat where Kat was directed to sit and a flush of warmth filled her cheeks as she sat down.

"This is cute." She smiled as Constance patted the back of her impeccably styled hair before asking what they would like to drink.

"Do you want wine?" Damian asked looking at his menu.

Kat shook her head. "No, I'm done with wine for a bit, I think I actually just fancy a cold beer." She shrugged.

Damian smiled widely. "Me too."  He turned to Constance and smiled widely. "Due bottiglie di Nastro Azzurro per favore."

"I'm impressed." Kat raised her eyebrow and smiled behind her menu as Constance wished them a pleasant evening and headed towards the bar.

"It's not that impressive considering how much time I've spent out here, but hey, being able to ask for a beer in any country is a necessity right?" He shyly smiled and fiddled with the napkins. "So, I know this place may look a little shabby, but I swear they do the best pizza you've ever tasted."

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