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The group ascended the few steps up to their villa, pausing as they reached the top to take in the magnificent view stretched out below them. The sky was crystal clear, and not a cloud could be seen as the emerald hills rolled as far as their eyes could see. Just in view to the side of the villa, a sapphire blue lake glistened under the early evening sun, creating a welcome break from the vast blanket of greens and browns set out before them.

"Beautiful." Joyce filled her lungs with fresh air and let her shoulders drop as the tension finally left her body.

"Breathtaking." Gill muttered after her, before following suit with a deep cleansing breath.

"Wow. It's just beautiful." Nita sighed in admiration and patted Gill emotionally on the shoulder.

The rest of the group nodded in agreement as they too took deep breaths, filling their lungs with the fresh evening air and sighing as they calmly exhaled.

"Yeah, yeah." Jaynes sharp tone cut through the serene ambience. "I get it... The trees are green, the waters wet, and I really need to piss. So can someone open that bloody door... please?" A cloud of smoke engulfed the group, as the tension visibly returned to Joyce's body, huffing as she turned towards the large dark wooden front door of the Villa.

Nita took a several further deep breath before turning towards the door. "We should probably get a move on, we still need to get into town before it gets too late and we have nothing to eat."

"Or drink," Debbie shouted out as she chuckled to herself. "I'd give my right arm for a full-bodied Sangiovese right now.

"Yes, yes, your right." Joyce fumbled around with the set of keys before unlocking the villa door.

The ladies piled in and again were stopped in their tracks as their mouths fell open in awe.

"Ho-ly shit!" The words tumbled out of Kat's mouth causing the rest of the group to chuckle but not break their gaze from their new home.

"This place is insane." Debbie croaked, finally finding her voice.

"I know right, isn't it beautiful?" Joyce proudly exclaimed, as her short stocky legs carried her forward and she performed a showcasing twirl.

"How on earth did we afford this?" Gill question as she followed Joyce towards the kitchen, then looked back at the rest of the group for answers. "No way on earth is what we paid for flights, insurance and accommodation covering this place alone."

Rachel and Natalia both shrugged before going back to giggling with each other in excitement.

"It's not what you know, it's who you know." Joyce triumphantly proclaimed as her proud smile spread from ear to ear.

"This place is insane," Kat muttered to Debbie, who just nodded back as her mouth fell open and eyes widened even further. "I feel like MTV are going to show up any minute for a tour." She chuckled to herself causing Debbie to snort loudly.

The ladies followed Joyce and Gill towards the kitchen. Kat hung back slightly to get a better look, she could see that the downstairs was open plan, and if she tilted her head slightly she could just about see each of the ground floor areas. She moved forward past the main living area which featured a huge rustic fireplace, exposed brick details and comfy lounge chairs. Opposite was the open plan kitchen/dining room, complete with a fridge large enough to fit two of them inside, and of course everyone's favourite feature, a kitchen island.
The scenic views continued to be on show through the floor-to-ceiling windows throughout, letting the light bounce off the huge glass dining table, making the space feel even more open and airy. A large glass door led out from the kitchen to the panoramic terrace which looked perfect for outside dining and unwinding with a glass of wine, it also looked down on the luxurious sundeck and swimming pool area.

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