For the longest time

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Kat slept very little, spending most of the early hours packing her stuff as she tried to make sense of the weeks events and how she was really feeling. She ventured downstairs around 7 am and began pottering around the kitchen tidying up the last bits from the party. Gill emerged just as she finished unloading the dishwasher looking a little worse for wear with her wild hair and large sunglasses hiding her red puffy eyes.

"Morning sweetie, how are you?" Gill went straight to Kat and gave her a motherly hug.

"I'm fine thanks, really tired though. I hardly slept at all, but at least I'm all packed up and ready for home. Maybe I can have a nap before we leave this evening."

"Have you eaten yet?" Gill ruffled her hair before heading to fill the kettle.

"Nope, I wasn't hungry so I thought I have a little tidy up and start making breakfast when everyone began rising." Kat pulled the sleeves of her hangover hoodie down over her hands as she lent up the counter and watched Gill spring into action.

"Ok, lovely. Well by the sounds of all the drawers and cupboards opening and closing up there I'd say most of them are up and about so shall we make a start?"

"Sure thing. What do you want me to do?"

"What's left in the cupboards?" Gill faffed about with the coffee machine as Kat went to investigate.

"I doubt they'll want something heavy." She pulled out a couple of boxes of cereal and placed them on the counter.

"Yes, that's true." Gill scratched the top of her head as she looked at Kat. "Let's just put out the cereal, I'll make some toast and there should be some pastry, muffin things in that cupboard next to you."

"Morning, morning." Joyce emerged from her room in her trademark 3/4 length slacks and perfectly placed hair looking like she had a good 12 hours worth of sleep.

"Morning Joyce." Kat smiled warmly before setting to carry out Gills instructions.

"Oh Gill, you should have got me earlier to help with the cleaning."

"Wasn't me." She huffed back, red-faced as she fought to open the lid of the coffee pot. "I've only just come down. This was all Kat."

"Oh, Kat, that's good of you. You didn't have to do it by yourself." Joyce took the pot of Gill and opened it with relative ease.

"I loosened it." Gill huffed, swiping it back.

"It was no problem, Joyce. I couldn't sleep so thought I'd just keep busy."

"How are you feeling about his return?" Joyce began retrieving the cups and plates Kat had just put away back out of their cupboards.

"Oh, I thought it was just lovely." Gill gushed.

"Nobody asked you." Jayne cackled as she entered the kitchen. "Morning everyone."
She headed straight past them to the back door and threw it open before leaning up the frame and puffed away on her vape.

"Morning little Miss Sour Puss." Gill cheekily snapped back.

"I know what I definitely don't want." Kat unpacked the muffins from the plastic packets. "I don't want to be spending my last few hours here thinking about that. If the opportunity presents itself then we'll have a chat and see where the land lays, but as it stands I would love just a chilled day around the pool eating the last of this food and finishing of the last of that wine."

"Very well." Joyce nodded as she passed the plates to Jayne and gestured to the table outside for her to put them on it.

With a roll of her eyes, Jayne followed her instructions but strategically stayed outside to avoid being asked to carry out any further tasks.

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