I think i'm in love again

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Kat slipped her feet out of her trainers and scrunched her toes into the shaggy rug on the floor next to her bed. The backs of her legs ached from the days walking, and tension had set into her shoulders from the uncomfortable bus journey. Reluctantly she pushed herself off the bed and headed over to the bathtub and winced at the sound of the old pipes clanging to life as she turned the stiff brass taps. As the water ran into the tub she sprinkled in some complimentary bath salts from the large glass jar on the side and watched it gently fizz and bubble turning the water a cloudy pink. She quickly secured a few loose strands back into her messy bun and checked the temperature of the water before allowing the tub to continue to fill whilst she headed back across the room and carelessly dragged the chair from the dresser over to the bath to use as a makeshift table. Placing her phone and the glass of wine she had brought up with her on the seat of the chair she checked the temperature again and adjusted the cold tap to allow it to flow a little faster then took another sip of her soft pink wine whilst she began scrolling through her phone for some musical inspiration. Nothing was catching her attention so she defeatedly decided to let Spotify choose the music for her and pressed ok on the daily mix option. I think I'm in love with you by Kat Dahlia began to play, Kat slipped out of her clothes and stepped into the warm vanilla scented bath. She lay there for about 20 minutes, occasionally sipping her wine and enjoying the random array of songs that played through her phone. It's you by Ali Gatie began to fill the room, she closed her eyes and let the music fill her head before slowly sliding further down into the bath, letting the water go over her head. She wasn't under long before the phone buzzed and she emerged from the water to see Damian's name flashing on the screen causing an uncontrollable smile to spread across her whole face.

"Hello." she softly whispered as she leaned over the edge of the tin tub.

"Hey, you." He gently responded.

The sound of his voice through the phone caused her skin to react and tiny goosebumps sprung up her arm.

"What you doing?" His melodic tones continued to play through the phone.

"Nothing, I was just having a bath." Kat flicked the water with her free hand.

"Oh, ok." Damian's voice sunk slightly.

"What's up?" Kat felt her teeth grazing her bottom lip as she waited for his reply.

"Nothing, just thought I'd say hi, see what you were up to."

Kat couldn't help but smile at his endearing tone, she put the phone on the loudspeaker to free her hands so she could get out of the bath. "Awww, were you missing me?" She playfully teased as she wrapped an oversized bath towel around her body and hard him faintly chuckle through the phone.

"Yeah, guess I was." His voice was almost muffled by the sound of humming in the background.

Kat picked up the phone and turned it off speaker before placing it to her ear and carefully padded over to the balcony doors, she gently threw them open and the cool air hit her skin causing the tiny fair hairs on her body to stand to attention.

"You watch you don't catch a chill." His voice was raspy as if he had missed a breath.

"I wo..." Kat paused, her eyebrows pressed together tightly. "What did you say?"

"I said, watch you don't catch a chill, I'm pretty sure I've already told you about wearing coats." He repeated through a cheeky laugh.

Kats eyebrows knitted together even harder as she stepped to the edge of the balcony then instantly relaxed as his smiling face came into view below her.

"But, soft, what light through yonder window breaks?" His grin shifted to a wide toothy smile.

"Ay me." Kat played back, raising her eyebrows in jest.

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