If this is love

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"Why the fuck did I think running off was a good idea?" Kat gasped for breath as she reached the top of the driveway, quickly glancing back up the hill and seeing there was no sign of Damian coming after her, she took a deep breath, hitched her skirt up again, and began to pace towards her villa as quickly as her wobbly legs could carry her.

"UGH. For fucks sake." She cursed loudly as the locked door in front of her finally tipped her over the edge and she burst into tears, frustratingly kicking at it as the salty liquid trickled down her flustered cheeks.

"Kat." A hushed unfamiliar voice called to her from around the side of the villa. "Are you ok?"

Kat looked up through her deep sobs to find Harrys frowning face starring over at her. "Umm, yeah I'm fine, thanks, Harry." She sniffed as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand trying desperately to compose herself.

"Kat." He took a cautious step closer. "Where's Damian?"

Kat shrugged her shoulders and sank down to the floor, resting her head back against the wooden doorframe as she pulled her knees into her chest and hugged them tightly.

"Does he know you're out here upset? He won't be happy that you're upset." Harry paused to brush back his floppy dirty blonde hair from his face and took another careful step forward towards Kat.

Her eyes stung sharply as her bottom lip began to tremble, her short sharp breaths hitched making it more difficult to catch the next one fully.

"You've not had a fight, have you?" His forehead creased causing deep lines to appear above his eyes which were rapidly flitting back and forth between Kat and the floor.

Kat shook her head causing her tears to fall uncontrollably as her chest tightened with each raspy breath.

Harry looked around then sighed deeply before slowly moving to sit down next to Kat. "Here. I haven't used it." He thrust some rolled up tissue in front of her face causing her to eye him cautiously before finally accepting the tissue.

"Thank you." She sniffed loudly as she wiped under her nose.

Harry sat in silence, nervously dragging his foot back and forth creating patterns in the terracotta dust around his feet. "Forgive my intrusion, Kat." He finally broke the tension between them but kept his eyes firmly on his feet whilst he spoke. "I don't know if you've noticed but I'm a little socially awkward. I'm not good with the Erm... chit chat as they call it. I don't tend to read people or situations very well."

Kat looked across at him, intrigued by his mannerisms as he fluently spoke without once looking at her.

"But I know what I hear" he continued quietly. "and Damian said he really likes you, so I don't think he would purposely make you sad if that's what's happened." He paused and scratched his head like he was intensely pondering the situation.

Kat sniffed into the tissue again. "I'm not entirely sure what happened, but I think it's my fault, Damian didn't do anything wrong."

Harry nodded in agreement with her. "Yeah, Damian wouldn't hurt you or make you sad if he said he likes you. What did you do?"

"He told you he likes me?" Kat looked at him out of the corner of her eye as she replayed his words.

"Yep." Harry nodded, all the time appearing far more interested in the lines his feet created than the conversation. "The last few days he talks about you more than he talks about Arsenal and he's always talking about football."

His words were not lost on Kat as a soft chuckle escaped her mouth.

Harry's head twitched and his eyes narrowed again at the sound she made."So what did you do?" His voice was monotone as he impatiently questioned her again.

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