Little bit of love

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"Alright?" Jack strode towards Damian with two beers in each hand.

"I guess so." Damian curtly responded as he eyed Jack carefully.

"Here you go." Jack offered the two beers to Damian, like a silent peace offering.

"Cheers." Damian politely accepted and placed them on the wall next to his now empty bottle.

"Happy Birthday mate." Jack raised his bottle to toast Damian then took a lengthy swig.

"Thanks." Damian mimicked his actions whilst keeping his eyes firmly fixed on Jack's face.

"It's great you made it back. You should have..."

"Jack." Damian snapped interrupting his sentence.

Jacks face fell silent as he waited for Damian to fire all cylinders at him.

"What are you playing at mate?" Damian finally spoke, although his curt tone was now softer with a hint of disappointment and hurt.

"I don't know what you.."

"Jack just stop it." Damian interrupted him again causing Jacks nervous laugh to fizzle out. "Why Jack, why would you go out of your way to fuck this up for me?"

Jack placed his bottle down and let out a heavy sigh. "I didn't mean to be a cunt about it Westy, I was just looking out for you. I wasn't sure about her and you seemed to be... well you seemed to be getting carried away and I didn't want you to find yourself in a situation you couldn't get out of."

"What the fuck Jack. That's messed up man. It's not your job to protect me if that's what you wanna call it." Damian shook his head. "It's not your call as to who I fall for, like, wanna spend my time with."

"What do you mean 'fall' for?" Jacks eyebrows knitted together as a look of worry swept across his face.

"What the fuck do you think I mean Jack. I like her."

"Like, like her, like her?"

"Yes, Jack. For fucks sake. I like her, like her."

"Fuck..." Jack went back to his beer and finished the bottle. "I'm sorry mate. I thought it was just a little bit of a holiday thing to get your leg over and then you'd never see her again, and I could see how into you she was getting. With all her ex drama I just thought she'd cause trouble for you once you were done, so I tried to stop it before it started to avoid any embarrassment or issues for you. You know how girls can get."

"For fucks sake Jack. You're not my fucking saviour, you're my mate.

"I know, I know. I fucked up and I'm sorry mate, I really am. I just panicked. I guess I just didn't want another Rosie situation."

Damian's jaw clenched as he shot Jack a warning glance. "That's not fair Jack."

"Look Damian if that night doesn't prove to you that I will always have your back and best intentions at heart then I don't know what will."

Damian's jaw continued to twitch as Jack spoke.

"I'm your best mate Damian and I will always have your back. Just like that night. So don't forget. It would be devastating for you if things were to suddenly come to light about that now."

"Well, maybe it's time things did." Damian took a deep breath in a bid to settle his growing annoyance with Jack.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe we all should come clean about what really happened, but just remember Damian, if you want to be a martyr and confess your sins, there will be repercussions, and not just for you and me but that's gonna fuck up Matt, Chad and Tyler's lives too."

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