Peer Pressure

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*Warning- this chapter contains mature content*

Kat started to shiver as she entered his room, her attention immediately darted towards the frail white curtains flapping back and forth from the open window. Damian went over and shut it before heading to the en-suite and returning almost instantly with two oversized bath towels.

"We need to get you out of these wet clothes before you catch a chill." he wrapped the towel around her and began to rub her arms in a bid to generate some kind of warmth.

Kat studied his face closely as a trickle of water creeped out from his hair and travelled slowly down his forehead before getting caught up in his arched eyebrow. His normally bright eyes were now dark and steely as he drifted off into deep thought and stared over the top of her head. Kat wondered what he was so intensely distracted about as her gaze moved to examine the small freckle sitting by itself on his cheek, it surprised her that she hadn't noticed its prominence on his flawless skin before now. Finally, her eyes reached to his mouth, the perfect peaks of his top lip were now hidden behind the facial hair that had grown considerably since their first meeting, his full bottom lip was slightly parted from the top, showing a glimpse of his white teeth, and his usually relaxed expression was intensely pensive, yet there was a contrasting warmth that radiated from him drawing her towards him.
Kat silently mused at how he was quite the opposite to what she had imagined any celebrity figure to be like, not that she had given it much thought before, but she had naively assumed that they all lived in gated communities with intense 7ft security guards, and rarely engaged with 'common folk' unless it was for work purposes. Not him though, he couldn't appear to be any further from the stereotypical playboy image she would have associated with a celebrity lifestyle.

"Hey." His heavy tone interrupted her thoughts. "You're shivering Kathleen, you need to get out of these clothes." He repeated himself as she tilted her head and cocked her eyebrow at him. "I'm not being seedy Kathleen. You'll get sick if you don't dry off and warm up." He rubbed her shoulders again over the top of the towel. "Go in there and take those clothes off, I can give you something to wear." He nodded towards the en-suite and as if on autopilot Kat did what she was told and made her way over to the bathroom in silence, closing the door gently behind her.

She stood in the centre of the small room shivering as she listened to the sound of drawers opening and closing in the other room. Her trembling hands slowly started to unbutton her almost see-through shirt, she shrugged it off and let it drop to the floor instantly causing a ripple of goosebumps across her arms. Her tight jeans were stuck to her skin and the only way to get them off was to shimmy out of them, wobbling slightly as she fought with the stubborn material, trying to unceremoniously yank them over her filthy feet.

I need to wash these she thought to herself as studied the dirty marks her feet had left of the cream coloured floor. The gentle tap of the door startled her from her thoughts just as she reached for the shower tap.

"Kat, you ok?" Damian's voice was almost a whisper through the thick wooden door. "I'll leave these things on the bed for you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm just going to wash the dirt off my feet. Thank you." Kat croaked as she slipped out of her underwear and tossed them onto the pile of wet clothes. Stepping into the shower she let out a sigh as her skin stung slightly in reaction to the warm water, she looked around for some soap and found a blue bottle of shower gel at the side of the bath, she squidged some into the palm of her hand, it smelt earthy with a hint of mint, like him. She smiled to herself as she dragged her hands over her body causing the gel to lather up into thick white bubbles and checked that her feet had returned to their normal colour before washing away the suds and turning off the taps. As she wrapped the large damp towel around herself she eyed up the pile of dirty wet clothes in the middle of the floor, her mouth twisted slightly as she went straight over and began to try to un crumple them and hang them over the shower rail to dry out. After a quick wipe of her face to remove the leftover mascara from under her eyes she headed towards the door and back into the bedroom.

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