Me and my broken heart

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Kat awoke to the now-familiar grunts of Debbie sprawled out next to her, she carefully rolled off the bed and tiptoed towards the bathroom to freshen up.
Dragging her fingers across her puffy eyes she sighed deeply before rummaging around in her makeup bag and pulling out her Caffeine infused eye-roller. She slowly and methodically began cleansing and moisturising her face before liberally applying the cucumber scented roller under her eyes and patting the excess dry with her finger.

"Pffft!" She dramatically sighed, screwing her face up in annoyance that the results of her quick fix were not as impactful as she had hoped. "I don't know why I bother with this crap." She muttered, tossing the roller forcefully towards her makeup bag and then plodding towards the balcony doors and hastily throwing the chipped doors wide open causing Debbie to stir from their painful creek.

Welcoming the blast of fresh dewy air Kat turned and grabbed her phone off the bedside table, then opened her contacts and scrolled down to her Moms number.

"Hello, Kathleen." Her Mom joyfully answered after a couple of rings.

Kat felt her stomach twitch at the sound of her name and a sleepy smile filled her lips.

"Hey Mom, how are you?" She grinned out to the silent hills as she sat down at the round cafe style table and thoughtlessly traced the cold iron pattern with her finger.

"I'm grand Kat, all is well here. Nothing to report. Your Dad is fine, he's just left for golf, and Konnor stayed at that girl's house again last night." Kat shook her head at the change in her mother's tone as she disapprovingly huffed and puffed down the receiver.

"Cool." Kat automatically replied, continuing to follow each flick of the curvy patterned tabletop with precision.

"Is everything ok sweetie, you sound a little distracted?" Her mom was quick to inquire.

"Yeah, of course. Everything is fine Mom. I'm just really tired from the late nights and alcohol." Kats eyes lifted from the table back out to the vast landscape.

"Ok sweetie, don't be overdoing it. I know you're there to have fun but be careful, and take care of yourselves."

"I know mom, I'm ok really, I'm having a great time." Kat smiled to herself as she glided her finger across her lip, reminiscent of yesterday's rooftop kiss. "So how's Sophie doing?" Kat quickly enquired breaking the silence between them.

"Sure, she's living her best life here. Got your Dad wrapped right around her little paw. I'll get Konnor to send you the picture he took yesterday of them both napping during the match of the day. They're like two peas in a pod."

"Yeah, I'd like to see that." Kat chuckled fondly. "Don't be overdoing the treats Mom, she's a nightmare when I get her home and I have to be firm with her."

Kat's Mom tutted loudly causing her to move the phone from her ear momentarily. "Ah away with ya, you can't stay at Nanna's and not be spoiled."

Kat's eyes rolled in exasperation at the thought of Sophie being difficult when she returned home.

"It looks beautiful out there." her mother interrupted her thoughts. "I saw some of the photos that Gill tagged you in on Facebook."

Kat let out a soft snort at the thought of her Mom and Facebook, and how the odd time she looked at it all she did was click the like button for everything that appears on her page.

"Your dinner the other night looked interesting." Her mom continued.

"Really?" Kat paused momentarily, and took a deep breath in preparation for the next response. "and why's that?" Her eyes closed as she could sense her mom smirking down the phone.

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