Don't Look Down

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The vibration of her phone on the kitchen counter pulled Kat out of her daydream, quickly grabbing it she sighed with relief at the sight of Damian's name flashing on the screen.

"Hello." Her voice nervously croaked as she answered it.

"Kat... hey." His tone was rushed and breathless. "I'm so sorry Kat, Erm... Matt had an accident at the rock pool, he's ok, it's just a sprained ankle, but we had to take him to the hospital and it took forever waiting for... it doesn't matter." he paused. "I'm back now but I just need 10 minutes to get changed, ok?"

"Yes of course," Kat reassured him as she felt the tension slip from her shoulders. "Please tell Matt I hope he is ok, and you take as long as you need. I'm not going anywhere." She could almost hear his relief through the phone as he breathed out.

"Thank you. I'll be quick, I promise, and I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting Kathleen."

"It's ok. I'll see you shortly." As the call ended a relieved smile swept across Kat's face, thankful that she hadn't actually been stood up. She poured herself a small glass of white wine to steady her nerves and sat on the stool next to the breakfast bar just as Debbie came into the kitchen, abruptly stopping in her tracks when she spotted Kat drinking wine alone.

"What the fuck?" She blurted across the room as she stomped towards Kat.

"Oh it's ok," Kat burst out laughing at Debbie's furious expression. "Honestly, It's ok, he's just running late."

"Running late?" Debbie sternly interrupted. "On your first official date... he's running late?" Her forehead had now narrowed into a thin line.

Kat rolled her eyes as she took a sip of her drink. "Yes, Debbie. They had to take Matt to the hospital, he had an accident at the rock pool, but Damian just called to apologise and explain, and he's on his way."

"And he couldn't have rung you earlier to tell you this?" Debbie snapped back.

"Come on Debbie." Kat exasperatedly sighed. "He hasn't done this on purpose, it's honestly not a problem and the main thing is, he is on his way."

"Yeah, sorry Kat. I just... you know."

"Yeah, I know. Be cool ok." Kat ordered jokingly. "I'm pretty sure I should be the one freaking out and you the one telling me to chill the fuck out." Kat took another sip of wine as Debbie poured herself a drink and sat with her to keep her company whilst she waited.

"You look stunning." Debbie fixed a strand of thick bouncy hair, placing it over Kat's shoulder.

"Thank you." Kat blushed. "It's not too much is it?" She looked down at the puffy-sleeved white blouse that was casually tucked into her light blue ripped jeans.

Debbie devilishly grinned as she extended her arm and used her finger to flick open another button on the shirt, causing the cup strap of Kats bra to be slightly visible but not fully on show. "Nah, just enough." She laughed raising her glass before taking a sip.

Kat shook her head as she smiled at Debbie.

Debbie chewed the side of her mouth as she drifted into thought.

"What?" Kat questioned, knowing full well the wheels were turning rapidly in Debbies' head.

"Wait there." Debbie rushed towards the stairs and quickly disappeared up them returning within minutes happily waving a black belt with a large gold Gucci buckle. "Put that on." She instructed Kat gently throwing the belt at her.

"You sure?" Kat tilted her head.

"Absolutely." Debbie nodded. "See, the black belt ties in with your black bag and black shoes, bringing your accessories together as part of the outfit."

Kat fed the belt through the loops on her jeans and tucked the front of her shirt in a little more so the fancy buckle was on show.

"See... perfect." Debbie smiled excitedly.

"Thank you." Kat shyly smiled back and took another large gulp from her glass.

Within 10 minutes there was a rushed knock at the door, Kat smiled knowing it would be Damian and quickly chugged back the last of her wine as Debbie jumped up off her stool and pounced over to the door. Reaching out for the handle she forcefully opened it to find a dishevelled Damian desperately trying to smooth his hair over as he panted to catch his breath.

"Oh, so you made it then." Debbies' eyes narrowed as she held his uncertain stare.

"Hey." Kats warm smile softened his eyes as she appeared behind Debbie.

"Wow!" Damian softly muttered to himself, but loud enough for Debbie to hear and break her facade as she smirked in response.

"Shall we go?" Kat asked, stepping around Debbie to get out of the door and giving her a pleading look to be nice as she passed.

"Um, err, yeah," Damian mumbled as Kat glided past him.

"She's to be home by midnight," Debbie shouted after them as Kat grabbed his hand and began to lead him away from the villa.

"Yes ma'am." Damian turned back to Debbie and saluted before Kat picked up the pace towards the driveway.

"You look amazing." His voice broke with nerves as he spoke.

Kat peered through her thick lashes and smiled in response. "Thank you." She softly whispered as she tucked a wave of hair behind her ear. "You scrub up well in only 6 minutes."

"Thanks." He laughed loudly and shook his head as they stopped next to the row of scooters. "So, I probably should have mentioned this earlier but as we have to go into town, you're going to have to get on the back of my scooter. There's no way on this planet I'm driving that death trap bus down there." He nodded towards the tired-looking bus before passing Kat a helmet.

"Sure, that's fine with me. As long as you can stand the sight of my helmet hair for the rest of the evening." Kat joked as she put the helmet on and fixed her hair over her shoulders so it was out of the way.

Damian widely smiled as he pulled on his helmet then cocked his leg over the sporty black scooter. He backed it up to face the entrance of the huge driveway then gestured for Kat to get on behind him.

"I probably should have brought a jacket with me," she shouted through the helmet as she got on behind him and loosely wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I've told you already about wearing Jackets." the faint sound of his soft laugh crept through the visor. "You ready?" He turned his head slightly to hear her.

"Yep." She shouted back as he started the scooter then kicked off. The force of them speeding forward caused Kat to instinctively hold him a bit tighter as they sped out of the drive and down towards the sleepy town centre.


Authors Notes:

Late for the 'first date' is it a sign of further problems to come or a minor inconvenience? Debbie really does make me laugh. I love how she always has Kat's back and didn't make that easy for him. Every girl should have a Debbie (and be a Debbie for their friends). Hopefully, the date will go smoothly...!

- KS

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