Singing in the shower

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Downstairs a small selection of breakfast items was laid out on the kitchen island. The ladies were huddled around the countertop trying to convince each other that their hangover was worse than the others and that they were never drinking again.

Kat poured herself a large coffee and grabbed a slice of cold toast which she smothered in peanut butter, then leaned against the kitchen counter, zoning in and out of the different conversations buzzing back and forth between the group.

"Are you excited to see your fella?" Nita winked as she reached past Kat to get another plate out of the cupboard. The conversation quickly changed as the rest of the group honed in on Nita's comment, and the interrogation began about what was going on with her and Damian.

Kat kept it brief not giving too much away, she explained how he'd asked her to go for dinner at some point in the week but nothing was finalised as of yet.

"Do you like him, honey?" Gill placed a comforting arm around Kat's waist giving her a motherly hug.

"Yeah... well, he's a good-looking guy but..." She paused to take a sip of her coffee. "Look, we're only here for a week and my head isn't in a place to be getting swept up in something I don't know how to do, or handle, or whatever. I came out here to have fun with you guys so that's where my focus is." Kat tried to sound blasé about it, but inside even she didn't buy what she was saying.

"Look, Kat..." Jayne peered from over the rim of her cup. "I know I'm not normally one to comment on this stuff, and you guys would all agree I'm much better with the witty quips at Joyce's expense," The group nodded in agreement. "but this could be a good thing for you. If your feeling something then it means you're ready to move on. Don't overthink this, don't worry about what we might think, because in all honesty Kat, we're all rooting for you, we want you to be happy. So have a nice little holiday romance and enjoy it without worrying about us, or questioning the what-ifs."

The group nodded again whilst also looking at each other in surprise of Jaynes uncharacteristic tenderness.

"I know you..." Debbie added. "and I know for a fact, that if he was asking you out you'd be more concerned about how it might offend us if you were to go off with him."

"Oh my god!" Gill interrupted, squeezing Kat a little tighter. "We would all 100% love to see you having a good time with him rather than missing out on it for the sake of us old cronies."

Jayne unsubtly side-eyed Gill in response. "Speak for yourself." she hissed.

"Yeah, you deserve a little fun, Kat," Rachel added, wafting away Jaynes vanilla-scented plume of smoke.

"Honestly, I'd be more offended if you felt like we were holding you back. Go get some." Nita winked from across the island.

"Just make sure you tell us all about it though." Natalia light-heartedly chipped in.

The group laughed as Kat went blood red with embarrassment. "Thanks, we'll see what happens." She took a bite of her toast. "I'm breezy." She grinned through a mouthful of peanut butter.

"Yeah... I totally get what he sees." Jayne rolled her eyes causing Kat to stick out her peanut-covered tongue in response.

"Aww! Group hug," Gill announced causing them all to gather around and squeeze each other as Jayne stayed in her seat rolling her eyes.

"Right, we need to get going." Joyce broke the circle. "We can clean this up when we get back."

There was a lot of faffing around for the next 20 minutes as the ladies disappeared to grab belongings, brush their teeth or just do some last-minute freshening up. Kat and Debbie ended up tidying away the breakfast mess whilst they waited. Debbie wiped down the last surface as Kat shrugged on her black leather jacket and headed to wait by the door ready for the rest of the group to re-join them.

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