Million Reasons

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"Oh My Fucking God."

Kat felt her whole body tense as Natalia shrieked through the villas.

"Wow," Damian muttered just loud enough for Kat to hear.

They shared a quick glance before both taking a deep breath and continued into the kitchen area.

"You made it back." Nita gasped as the kitchen quickly filled with the rest of Kat's group.

Damian blushed slightly as he placed the bottles he was carrying on the counter.

"I knew you'd be back." Rachel swayed back and forth with a big grin plastered across her face.

"No, you didn't." Jayne quickly added, rolling her eyes for added effect.

"Yes, I did." Rachel huffed in response. "I just didn't say it that's all."

Kat felt her face flush as Damian moved to take the bottles from her and place them next to the ones he had just put down.

"Can we get you a drink?" Gill quickly asked trying to ease the awkward tension in the air.

"Yes please." Damian smiled gratefully. "I'll take a beer if you have one."

"We sure do. Kat, how about you?"

"Yeah sure. Wine. A large one." Kat stuttered slightly, trying to get through her broken sentence. "Please." She quickly added on the end, remembering her manners.

"When did you get back Damian?" Joyce politely enquired as Gill arrived back with his beer.

"A few minutes ago. I was just about to knock on the door and Kat arrived." He took a long sip of his beer after gratefully accepting it from Gill.

"Are you back to stay or will you be disappearing before the night is done." Jaynes comment cut through the air as she leant up the door frame puffing frantically on her vape.

Damian took a deep breath and looked to Kat who wouldn't meet his gaze. "Kat and I have a lot to talk through but I came back because I missed her and realised, hopefully not too late, that I fucked up and I'm sorry for that. I just hope she gives me the opportunity to show her that I'm sorry and she can trust me."

"I'm sure she will." Natalia smiled warmly.

"I'm right here Nat," Kat snapped. "I don't need you to talk for me."

Jayne clapping in agreement from the doorway caused a few tense giggled to echo through the group.

The sound of knocking at the front door brought a welcome break from the tension.

"Oh, that'll be the others." Joyce awkwardly smiled.

"Shall I?" Damian almost pleaded as he placed his bottle down and headed towards the door leaving the ladies in the kitchen staring at Kat.

"WESTY!" Tyler loudly boomed as Damian finally opened the door.

"What the fuck are you doing Kat?" Debbie quietly but forcefully asked as she grabbed at her elbow and lead her towards the back door, with the rest of the ladies in hot pursuit.

"Nothing." Kat yanked her arm back. "I don't know." She softly sighed as they all briefly looked over to the loud excited cheers coming from the boys welcoming Damian back. "I got back and he was just there." She sighed heavily.

"What did he say?" Nita whispered as she huddled in closer.

Kat shrugged. "It's all a bit of a blur but basically he said he was really sorry, he fucked up and he admits he handled the whole thing wrongly and should never have just left without a word."

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