✨need you✨

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I'm at home laying down in my couch. My boyfriend has been gone for the past three days

 My boyfriend has been gone for the past three days

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We have been together for 2 years. He was a loving boyfriend until one day he came home drunk and hit me. Ever since then he hits me, kicks me, pulls my hair. And I tried to leave one time but I was back with bruises and a bloody face. He went crazy and locked me in our room for 3 days with no food or water. My best friend since 3rd grade Devin, doesn't know cause I never tell him. I don't want to tell him cause know he will tell him and ty is a crazy bitch. He almost killed me and I ended up in a hospital bed. I took the blame and said I was the one who did it. He's an evil ass person. I just want this nightmare to end. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard the door open. He walked in with a smile. I knew he cheated on me with different women but I don't care cause I don't love him anymore. I know he doesn't either but he still does what he does. "Hey baby" he said with a smile. I just looked at him and looked back at the tv. He then came over and grabbed me by the throat. "When I say something I expect a response" I just looked at him and said nothing. He then let me go and grabbed me by my hair and started dragging me into out room. "Please STOP!!!!" I said kicking my legs. Once we got there he picked me up and slapped me and slammed me on the bed. He forcefully took my shorts of with my underwear. "Please stop!" I yelled. He didn't listen and took his boxers off. He then came over and hit me on the head. I jumped up and ran to the restroom. "Get out now before I kill you bitch!!!!" He yelled. At this point I was crying he was banging on the door while I put some underwear and leggings on. I then opened the door and tried to run but he caught me. He took me to the kitchen and sat me down on the kitchen counter. He slammed me down and grabbed a knife. "NO NO NO NO! PLEASE STOP!" I screamed. He started carving something. I had to scream for life. "Stop moving of not I won't hesitate to actually kill you. But this nigga love you too much I won't do that so stop moving!" He said. I then kicked him in the balls and jumped up. I grabbed my phone and my car keys and ran out. I ran in the hallway and heard him running behind me. I was crying just trying not to die. When I got to my car I slammed my door and locked all of them. I started the car and quickly drove out. Once I pulled out he came running behind. I grabbed my phone and FaceTimed Devin. "Wassup B" he said. "Aye you ok" he said. "No. He came home and almost killed me" I said crying. "You got to be fucking kidding. This nigga put his hands on you" he asked. "Yes. Please help me" I said. "Come to my crib" he said. "I don't want to disturb you tho" I said. "No don't worry I care more about you baby girl" he said. We stayed on the phone until I got there. I jumped out and walked to his front door. He was waiting for me outside when I got there. I went up to him and he was waiting for me with his arms open. I just let it all out. "It's ok baby" he said kissing the top of my head. "Come on let's go inside" he said walking us inside. We went to his room and to his bathroom. He's not seen the bruises on my face and the  carved letter on my throat. "This nigga is a crazy bitch" he said helping me. He grabbed me and sat me on the counter. I tilted my head to the side to let him see better. "Damm when I see him I should fuck him up" he said. "It's no need. He ain't worth it" I said. "Be honest with me. How long has this been going on?" He said. I looked down in guilt. "Mami look at me" he said lifting my head with his finger. "Um 6 months" I said. "Why didn't you tell me?". "I was scared that he was going to do something to you to anybody. He has threatened me if I tried to leave him that I would end up dead" I said tearing up. "I ain't scared of that weak ass nigga" he said taking his shirt off. He was wearing some Nike shorts and a white shirt. Well was wearing. After washing it out and making sure it wasn't bleeding. It was a small slash but it was there. "Do I have any clothes here. I don't have any with me" I said. "Yeah there in my closet" he said. I went to his closet and saw some booty shorts and a plain black crop top. I changed since I had already showered in my house. "Aye dev. I need something to tell you" I said. "Wassum baby" he said sitting down. "Umm he tried to...... Uh...." I tried saying. "Tried to do what" he said with a concern look. "He tried to rape me" I said. "HE WHAT!" He said.  I started crying because of the thought the he could've. "He wanted to but I didn't want to so he forced himself into me" I cried in his arms. "I'm sorry. I would beat his ass I swear" he said. He then picked me up and took me downstairs to his kitchen. He sat me down on the counter and grabbed some cranberry juice. He poured me some. "Thank you" I said. He smiled and got some snacks. I jumped down and went behind him. Once we made it to his room I laid down on his lap. I wrapped my hands around his neck and closed my eyes. He held me close tightly. I then looked down and saw he was looking at me. "What" I said in my soft voice. "Look....uhhh.....fuck it. Look y/n I really like you and I hate the fact that you have to go through this. I really want to ask you if you want to be my girlfriend" he said. I took me a good second for me to respond. "Never mind it's fine I sh-" I cut him off by a kiss. I grabbed his face with my hands for more support. I felt him smiling so I smiled too. He grabbed my waist for more support and then we heard banging in the door. I pulled away and smiled softly at him. "Hold up mami" he said getting up leaning down to give me another kiss. I laid down on my side and waited for him to get back. "No devin I know someone is here!!" I heard an annoying voice. It was Devins ex, Britney. She's a crazy hoe. She should get together with ty. They would be perfect for each other. She then came in the room. "Um what it SHE doing in our bed" she said looking at Devin. "What do you mean what. That's my girl" he said. I was very confused cause I never agreed but ok then. "What the fuck do you mean she's your girl. I'm your girl not her. Me" she said. "Bitch you heard him. Now get out" I said stepping in. "Ok first of all no one was talking to you" she said. "Or what" I said getting up. "Why are you getting up? Cause I know for a fact you ain't finna do shit" she said getting to close. "And you aren't you going to stop her" she said. He nodded his head no. She then slapped him. Ok now hold up you ain't finna put your hands on him. AT ALL. I went up to her and pulled her back by her hair. She fell on the ground and I was just hitting her. I can't stand this bitch but don't put your hands on my man. "Don't fucking touch him bitch" I said before being picked up by Devin. "Now get the fuck out and don't come back whore " I said. "You heard her. Get out my house" Devin said. She huffed an got out. When heard the door slammed shut. "Ok in all honesty, how did you deal with her" I asked. "I ask myself the same thing everyday" he said. "But she's not important" he said pulling me back on the bed. "So I'm your girl?" I asked. "I mean.... if you don't want to that's ok cause you just got out of an abusive relationship so that's fine" he said laying his head on my chest. "Actually, I don't care if people say this is rushing. Cause it's not. I know for a fact that you could treat me better and plus I actually like you" I said playing with his hair. He laughed. His laugh is so contagious I can't. He looked up at me and came up. He gave me a big juicy kiss on the lips and it made my stomach full with butterflies. "I love you" he said. "I love you too". "How about we go get your stuff tomorrow" he asked. Fear came all over me. "NO!he doesn't know where I'm at right now please let's just wait" I said grabbing on to his arm. "Baby I'll call my boy's for backup ok? So don't even worry. This nigga don't stand a chance" he said. I nodded my head and grabbed his hand. He smiled and kissed my hand. "Dev?" I said. "What mama" he said pulling me closer. "What about when you go to away games? What if he finds us? Me? Baby I'm scared" I said tearing up. He came up and laid down and pulled me close to him. "If he ever tries to get close to you I will step up ok" he said rubbing up and down my back. I nodded and he kissed the top of my head. "I love you" I said. "I love you more" he said. I got under the covers and we cuddled all night long 🍃

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