✨The friend✨

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I just got home from shopping with Devins mom and sister. I was mad at him cause I found a note with Kendall Jenners initials on it wishing him good luck on his next game. "Hey baby" he said going to give me a kiss. I moved and went upstairs. "Broooo! Can you tell me why you mad? You've been doing this for a all day" he said irritated. "Ok now let's get one thing clear I ain't your bro" I said going to the room. "What did I do" he said. "You can figure that out" I said taking my shoes off and putting my black ugg slippers. He kissed his teeth and plopped down on the bed. I went downstairs and sat on the couch. I heard him come back downstairs. "Ok look I don't know what I did but whatever I did I'm sorry" he said. "Can you at least just tell me what I did?" He asked. "Your little friend" I said making quotation marks. "Sent you a card say that she can't wait to see you AGAIN and that she wishes you well on your next game" I said throwing him the card that was in the kitchen counter. It read:
Dear Devin,
I hope you the best in your next game and hope to see you soon again
P.s don't let your little girlfriend know

"It's from Kendall" he said. "She was just my friend baby" he said coming over. "No. No friend sends their other friend and good luck card with I hope to see you soon" I said crying. I went upstairs and locked my self in the room. I kept crying. This what I was always scared about. Getting cheated on. "Baby open the door. You know I wouldn't do that" he said. "Go away" I said. "No mami open the door" he said. "Mamas. Please" he said. I got up from the bed and walked over to the door and unlocked it. "Baby" he walked over and gave me a hug. "No" I said. "Look at me" he said in a soft voice. "Baby I would never do that. Why would I do that? I love you too much to do that and I would be dumb to even think about doing that. You are my baby, you are my peace. I would lose myself if you left me. You care more that anyone else. I would never let anyone come between you and I. We forever I've told you this. What have I told you?" He said. "That people are always gonna try to get in between us" I said sobbing. "Exactly. I haven't see her since she disrespected you in front of me. I'm not gonna let a person I've know for a small amount of time disrespect that person I've known all my life. I love you never let anyone tell you that I'm cheating cause you know that I love you" he said giving me a kiss. He wiped my tears. "How about we go on a date tonight" he asked. I nodded my head

We're currently in the car. He has apologized so much. So I know for a fact that bitch is lying. Once we got there it was my favorite restaurant. "Baby" I said. "Don't. I know how much you love this place so I had to. And we have a private table" he said. I looked at my phone to make sure I looked good

"You look amazing baby" he said opening the door for me

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"You look amazing baby" he said opening the door for me. "Thanks baby so do you" I said looking at him

 "Thanks baby so do you" I said looking  at him

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We walked into the restaurant hand in hand. "Wow this is nice" I said looking around. "I made sure to get the nicest sitting. Look I'm so sorry about her. I haven't seen her in like 3 years. I just don't like her at all. She's rude, she wants it only her way, she had told people we were together. I mean she was just a mess. So after she said that rude shit to you, I unfriended her. But let me just tell you, I haven't even talked to her. So don't think that I have cause I actually haven't. I love you and I would be dumb to hurt you like that" he said. "Dev, it's okay. You've apologized so many times already" I said smiling. "I'm sorry mama. I just want you to know I'm being for real and that I'm really sorry about her" he said. He grabbed my hands. "It's fine. Your so sweet for really caring about my feelings" I said. "Of course. As your boyfriend that's my job. To keep that beautiful smile on your face. And to keep your heart complete" he said smiling. He kissed my hand. I chuckled. Then a waitress came with some food. "Enjoy" she said. "Thank you" we both said. We were eating and laughing. "So baby. I was thinking, we should like go to Mexico when the seasons over" he said. "Honestly we should. That's like the only place we haven't wen-" I was cut off by someone clearing their throat. "Hey Devi.I see your with your little girlfriend" I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Kendall. "Well it's been long since I've seen you. Ever since you got with this chick we stopped talking" she said. "cause you disrespected her because I asked her out" he said aggravated. "Whatever. So when are we gonna you know do it again" she said. My blood was boiling at this point. "Look i slept  with you 4 years ago because I was drunk" he said. "I do it better then her right" she said. That's it. I'm done with this bitches mouth. "Look if your trynna say something specific than say it cause your just gonna waste your fucking time. What did you come over here for?" I asked. "I wasn't talking to you I'm talking to your man or mine" she said. I got up. "Watch your mouth and watch who your talking to because bitch I won't hold back to hit you in front of all these people" I said. Devin stood up. "Is that supposed to scare me? We'll try harder cause it's not" she said. I grabbed a bottle of wine and opened. I poured it over her head. Devin was smiling. "Keep fucking talking" I said. Devin pulled me back as I was about to hit her. He went over to the waiter and payed. "Well Kendall it was a pleasure seeing you. Never call me or text me ever again" Devins said. She just walked back to her friends with a shocked face. "Baby great job" he said giving me a kiss. Paparazzi swarmed us in seconds but we made it into the car. We drove off. "She just doesn't get it right? Like she is fucken crazy if she gonna start talking like that" I said. Devin looked over and studied my face. "Baby calm down your face is turning red" he said. "Uhh it's just that she really pissed me the fuck off" I said. He grabbed my hand. "Just don't let her get the best of you cause she ain't shit" he said. This is why I love Devin. He just know how to calm me down. Once we made it home he came over to my side of the car and carried me inside. "Better?" He asked. I nodded. He put me down and I went upstairs. I changed into one of Devins shirts and some shorts. He came in and took his shirt off and changed into some basketball shorts. He came over and laid with me. "Babe I'm happy that you did that to her because at this point she was really just getting on my last nerve" he said pulling me closer. "I had to cause bitch thought she could get smart and get away with it" I said. "That's what I like about you. That you really don't tolerate bullshit from people like her" he said. I smiled. "Well baby go to sleep cause tomorrow I have a game. Your going right?" He asked. "Baby of course I'm gonna go. When have I ever missed a game" I said. "Never" he said. "Exactly" I said. "Goodnight I love you" he said giving me a kiss. "I love you too". And if a bitch ever tries me, it's over ☺️

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