How does one parent?

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Techno sits in the newly made cabin with a child in his lap, confused. How was one suppose to take care of a child?

A low, stressed sigh escapes him. Of course it was something as ridiculous as this to bring down the blood god. Not battle. Not a worthy foe.
A child.

Phil was coming over soon to meet the kid. Techno just had to keep them alive until then.


One problem.

He has no idea how to do that.

Technoblade can barely take care of himself on a good day. He can't take care of other people, let alone a child! How was one supposed to go about even doing that in the first place?!

A shift from the child in his lap, snags his attention. The child's face was scrunched up in fear and pain. Techno sighs and runs a hand through their hair soothingly. Nightmares he knew how to deal with.

Techno hums quietly to himself a light, calming tune. It didn't sound good, per-say but it was something.

The child relaxes into his hand and a small, content huff comes from them. A small smile tugs at his lips at the reaction, something deep and instinctual yells at him.







Small bean.

Protect the bean!

Techno sighs at Chat.
"Yes, Chat. I'm gonna keep them."
After all, he thinks to himself, I've already subconsciously marked them as a part of my pack.

The pup curls into themself and snuggles into Techno just a bit more. The older Piglin hybrid realizes that the pup is waking by the way their ear twitches.

"Good morning." Techno mutters quietly and calmly.

The pup whines at waking and chases the feeling of comfort and safety that they've been experiencing for the first time in two years when their pack was killed.





Keep them. Keep them. Keep them.

I swear if anyone touches this child, blood will be spilled!

What gender even are they??

That was true, Techno idly notes. He needed to ask their pronouns as well as their name.

Techno gently pries the clingy child off of him and gives them a small smile.
"Hey there, kiddo. Mind if I ask you a few questions?"

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