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Hounds, Technoblade thinks to himself. He wants hounds. They would be good for hunting as well as possible attack and defense, and they'd also be great companions. On top of all that, Techno has just always wanted an army of well trained dogs. Around fifty should do.

So, Techno took off with Tommy, leaving Arrow to find a place to hide the dogs near L'manburg, and went on the hunt for a few dogs so he can begin breeding the hounds.

"So, we should find a planes biome pretty soon." Tommy explains, leading Techno around to the area he was exiled to.

"I thought we'd find dogs in a spruce forest biome, not planes." Techno mutters thinking back to one of the books he found on the topic.

"Oh shut up! I'm a big man, and I remember there being dogs around here." Tommy states rolling his eyes, but tensing up more and more the closer they get to the area.

"Ya know, Tommy... If you want, we don't have to search here if it's too much for you. You're still recovering." Techno says, pointedly not looking at Tommy as the continue to walk.

"No, no I'm fine. I need to do this. I'm not just some scared little kid. I'm not gonna chicken out of this because some bad things happened there." Tommy mutters.

Now, Techno doesn't know the full extent of what happened in exile. Only that Dream had messed with Tommy so much that the kid had no idea, almost of how to think for himself. So, some definite manipulation, maybe gaslighting. Tommy seemed pretty malnourished so probably starvation, though Techno isn't sure if that was just because Tommy couldn't hunt properly or if Dream had somehow messed with the kid's food.

And then there was the broken bones and wounds from an axe or sword. Techno is ninety percent sure that Tommy was purposely attacked, either by mobs or Dream himself. And given the flinches and muttered begging, Techno can safely guess that Dream had something to do with it.

Techno sighs and shakes his head, now isn't the time to analyze the pup's mental state. He's here to find dogs.

After searching the planes, and soon after a nearby forest biome, Techno only managed to find two dogs.

Techno sighs and shakes his head. Guess he'll be breeding the next forty eight dogs. That's a lot of incest.

Techno chuckles to himself at the thought, his mind drifting off to ancient civilizations that inbreed to keep supposedly godly bloodlines intact.

Who knows, maybe one of his dogs will turn out to be the incarnation of Anubis.

Tommy looks over at the extremely amused Technoblade in confusion. "Oi, what're you laughing at, prick?!"

Techno hums as he slides his gaze over to Tommy, amusement clear in his eyes. "Nothin' just thinkin' about dogs an' inbreeding an' such."

Tommy groans and pouts lightly. "You never tell me anything!"

"Sure I don't, Theseus. It's not like I showed ya my hidden vault or anythin'. Surly not that."

Tommy glares at Techno, annoyed at his thick sarcasm, but says nothing because, in a way he was right.

"Just, shut up you pig prick. Let's just head over to L'manburg and hide these dogs like you wanted to, or whatever."

Techno laughs quietly to himself, but nods along, leading Tommy back to the house in order to find some invis pots so they could sneak into L'manburg.

Arrow hums lightly as they make their way through the familiar routs of the Nether.

They promised to find a place underground that Techno could hide his dogs in for a surprise attack if needed.

The Nether was empty of players currently, so Arrow had nothing to worry about, instead they practically skipped down Tommy's cobblestone path to get to the community portal's highways.

The warm air in the Nether was a welcome change to the freezing cold of their new home. As much as they love their new pack and new home, Arrow's body is still that of a Nether creature's and as such was built for blistering heat, not freezing cold.

Still, Arrow continued on to the community portal, managing to avoid piglins, hoglins, and Ghasts along the way.

However, as soon as the half piglin makes their way up to the Portal, a particularly ruffled looking sheep hybrid and creeper hybrid walk out of the portal, making Arrow freeze.

The sheep hybrid notices them first. "Oh! Why hello there little one."

The creeper hybrid reaches for his sword. "Careful, Puffy. You know that even mob children are often very hostile."

Arrow jolts and stumbles for their bow, shaking lightly. "I- I'm not a mob." Arrow manages to say, shaking violently.

Phil, Techno, and Dream all agreed that they didn't know if they'd respawn if they died. So, Arrow was more than a bit nervous.

Puffy and Sam's eyes widen as the young piglin hybrid spoke. There was a new player on the server? And one this young?

"Sam! Put that sword away, ya idiot! They're just a kid!" Puffy growls, smacking Sam's shoulder.

"Ah, sorry. What are you doing here little one?" Sam asks, much more gently.

Arrow was still on gaurd, not trusting these new people in the slightest, but they decide that they might have valuable information.

"Do you know a way I can travel over there mostly undetected? I really don't want to fight people if I don't have to." Arrow mutters.

"Oh yeah!" Puffy exclaims, "You can take the sewer system under the community house. It connects to most of the major structures in the main portion of the SMP."

Arrow nods and bows their head slightly in thanks. "Thank you, I'll be going now."

After they run through the portal, Puffy sighs happily.

"What a nice kid."

Sam raises an eyebrow. "You adopting them?"

Puffy laughs lightly, a teasing smile on her face. "Only if they'll let me."

Arrow smiles as they look over the sewer system. It really was quite vast and complicated. Thankfully, they have had navigation training from the human GPS.

Arrow giggles quietly as they run off in the direction of L'manburg, looking at the map Dream had given them, just in case.

The bee farm was right next to a cave system that connected to the sewer system. It was the perfect spot. So, Arrow pulls up their communicator and messages their father figure.

Arrowhead whispers to Technoblade: "Just under the bee farm. It's connected to a cave system that is also connected to the sewer system."

Technoblade whispers to Arrowhead: "Okay."

Arrow rolls their eyes at the shot response from their dad, but elects to sit and wait in the cave for their father to come get them.

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